PhDr. Ondřej Matějka, Ph.D.
PhDr. Ondřej Matějka, Ph.D.

- Department of European Studies
Telephone: +420 267 224 275
Rooms: No. C326, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: E-9757-2018
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4391-8420
Rok vydání
- Pešek J., Bečka J., Emler D., Filipová L., Kolenovská D., Lach J., Lohmann N., Matějka O., Nigrin T., Svobodný P., & Vykoukal J. (2013). Napříč kontinentem soudobých dějin. Evropská historiografie po konci studené války. Argo.
Chapters in monographs
- Matějka O. (2017). Skleněný dům. Farář a jeho rodina v českém evangelickém prostředí 1861-1918. Poslední staročech : k 70. narozeninám Jiřího Raka (pp. 163-177).
- Matějka O. (2022). Between Simplification and Absurdity: The Czech Protestant Milieu, "New Orientation" and the Secret Police. The Secret Police and the Religious Underground in Communist and Post-Communist Eastern Europe (pp. 192-209).
- Matějka O. (2021). Forging a "Winning Spirit": The North American YMCA and the Czechoslovak Army, 1918-1921. In the Shadow of the Great War : Physical Violence in East-Central Europe (pp. 142-162).
- Matějka O. (2022). 'The 'Proton Pseudos' of Our Life After May 1945': Czech Protestants and the Expulsion of Sudeten Germans. Collective Identities and Post-War Violence in Europe, 1944-48: Reshaping the Nation (pp. 165-194).
- Matějka O. (2007). L'histoire en Republique tcheque. Guide de l'etudiant europeen en sciences sociales (pp. 291-301).
- Matějka O. (2009). Čeští luteráni 1861-1918 : od emancipace k unii. Luteráni v českých zemích v proměnách staletí (pp. 219-309).
- Matějka O. (2009). Die tschechischen protestantischen Kirchen. Handbuch der Religions- und Kirchengeschichte der bohmischen Lander und Tschechiens im 20. Jahrhundert (pp. 147-164).
- Matějka O. (2013). Uses of a "Generation": The Case of the Czech "68ers". History by Generations: Generational Dynamics in Modern History (pp. 258-278).
- Matějka O. (2018). Social Engineering and Alienation between East and West: Czech Christian-Marxist Dialogue in the 1960s from the National Level to the Global Arena. Planning in Cold War Europe : Competition, Cooperation, Circulations (1950s-1970s) (pp. 165-186).
- Matějka O. (2016). Erziehung zur "Weltbürgerlichkeit" Der Einfluss des YMCA auf die tschechoslowakische Jugend der Zwischenkriegszeit. Jugend in der Tschechoslowakei : Konzepte und Lebenswelten (1918-1989) (pp. 153-179).
- Matějka O. (2017). Dialogues on Religion in a "Socialist Society" under Construction: Marxist Social Scientists and Czech Protestants, 1940s-60s. (Re)Constructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968: Senses of Belonging Below, Beyond and Within the Nation-State (pp. 238-259).
- Matějka O. (2012). Entre les sciences sociales et la construction de la "société socialiste". Une perspective générationnelle. Individus sous controle (pp. 105-153).
- Matějka O. (2011). History in the Czech Republic. A student's guide to European universities: sociology, political science, geography and history (pp. 73-83).
- Matějka O., Maršálek J., & Monteil G. (2011). The university system in the Czech Republic. A student's guide to European universities: sociology, political science, geography and history (pp. 63-71).
- Christian M., Kott S., & Matějka O. (2018). Planning in Cold War Europe: Introduction. Planning in Cold War Europe : Competition, Cooperation, Circulations (1950s-1970s) (pp. 1-18).
- Matějka O. (2013). Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, Jurgen Kocka (ed.): Comparative and Transnational History. Central European Approaches and New Perspectives. Traverse: Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Zürich, Neuveden(2/2013), 155-156.
- Matějka O. (2007). Apprendre a vivre dans une dictature : le milieu protestant tcheque et le regime communiste 1948-1956. Transitions, 47(2), 13-31.
- Matějka O. (2007). "Jsou to berani, ale můžeme je využít" : čeští evangelíci a komunistický režim v 1948-1956. Soudobé dějiny, 14(2-3), 305-340.
- Matějka O. (2019). Un mur contre le bolchevisme? La Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) dans la Tchécoslovaquie de l'entre-deux-guerres. Mouvement Social, neuveden(267), 25-46. UT-WOS link
- Matějka O. (2019). Editorial. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia, 19(1), 7-9.
- Matějka O. (2020). Unique connections. Uses of the transnational social capital of Czech pastors in the Cold War 1940s-1960s. Cultural and Social History, 17(1), 113-130. UT-WOS link
- Matějka O. (2016). Havelka, Miloš a kolektiv: Víra, kultura a společnost. Náboženské kultury v českých zemích 19. a 20. století. Bohemia: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst der böhmischen Länder, 55(2), 409-411.
- Matějka O. (2014). To už se nedá poslouchat: Instrumentalizace rodinné paměti v rodinné dynamice. Biograf, Neuveden(59), 67-72.
- Matějka O. (2011). Michal Kopeček, Hledání ztraceného smyslu revoluce. Zrod a počátky marxistického revizionismu ve střední Evropě 1953-1960. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia, 11(2), 105-108.
- Christian M., Kott S., & Matějka O. (2017). International Organizations in the Cold War: The Circulation of Experts Beyond the East-West Divide. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia, 17(1), 35-60.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Matějka O. (2019). A Long Evangelical Spring? The Czech Protestant Milieu and Communist Reformers between 1963 and 1977. The Prague Spring as a Laboratory (pp. 143-162).
2014-2015 SCIEX fellowship: Transnational History of Central European Modernisation in Interwar Period: Case Study on the Czechoslovak YMCA
2015-2019 Fonds national suisse project – “Shared or Competing Modernities. Europe between East and West 1920s-1970s”
2015-2016 Partnerhsip Fund (University of Geneva): “Transfer of knowledge and new methodologies in the area of research on contemporary European history from transnational perspective"
Transnational history of Central Europe in the 20th century; social history of religion in the Czech lands; contemporary history of France; psychoanalysis and social sciences
Transnational history of Central Europe in the 20th century; social history of religion in the Czech lands; contemporary history of France; psychoanalysis and social sciences