No/Year |
Decree |
BA/MA Students |
PhD Students |
Employees |
12/2024 |
Decree of the IMS Director on study in WS 2024/25 (only in Czech) |
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11/2024 |
Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Practical Placements Program at IMS for the Winter and Summer Semester 2024/2025 |
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10/2024 |
Decree of the IMS Director on Teaching by External Staff at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University |
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09/2024 |
Decree of the Director of the IMS on the use of leave in 2024 |
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08/2024 |
Vyhláška ředitele IMS FSV UK (dále jen IMS) k organizaci zadávání a odevzdávání projektů bakalářských a magisterských prací a organizaci konzultací mezi studenty a vedoucími jejich prací v LS 2024 (only in Czech) |
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07/2024 |
Decree of the Director of the IMS on the rules for funding related activities of activities related to research at the Institute of International Studies of FSV UK |
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06/2024 |
Decree of the Director of the IMS on the support of the activities of the third role of the University within the framework of the activities of the Institute of International Studies |
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05/2024 |
Decree on the organization of Specific Undergraduate Research at IMS FSV UK (SVV) |
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04/2024 |
Decree of the Director of the IMS on the remuneration of research outputs at the Institute of International Studies of FSV UK from 2024 |
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03/2024 |
Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at IIS for the Winter semester of the 2024/2025 Academic Year |
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02/2024 |
Decree of the IMS Director on study in SS 2023/2024 (only in czech) |
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01/2024 |
Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Study Stays Program at IMS for the 2024/2025 Academic Year |
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12/2023 |
Decree on the establishment and organisation of research centres at IMS FSV UK |
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11/2023 |
Vyhláška k organizaci bakalářského semináře, zpracování a hodnocení bakalářské práce (only in Czech) |
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10/2023 |
Vyhláška ředitele IMS FSV UK (dále jen IMS) k organizaci zadávání a odevzdávání projektů bakalářských prací v ZS 2023 a magisterských prací v LS 2024 (only in Czech) |
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09/2023 |
Decree of the Director of IMS FSV UK (hereinafter IMS) for application of the citation standard in the seminar and qualification work of Czech-language bachelor programmes on IMS valid from Winter Semester 2023 |
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08/2023 |
IMS Director's Decree on study in WS 2023/2024 (only in Czech)
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07/2023 |
Decree of the IMS Director on the procedure of student plagiarism and Use of AI |
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Annex to OD 13/2022 Principles of career growth at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University for employing academic staff, researchers, and lecturers |
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09/2022 |
Director's Decree on doctoral studies at IMS FSV UK |
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05/2021 |
IMS Director's Decree on media outputs of IMS FSV UK staff and doctoral candidates |
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03/2020 |
IMS Director's Decree to remunerate IMS staff for teaching |
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