Management and Secretariat


doc. PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.

IMS Director in coordination with the Dean of FSV UK coordinates the creative and educational activities of the Institute and ensures their development and quality. IMS Director also controls the implementation of study programmes at the Institute and in case of problems proposes appropriate measures to correct them, ensures the management of the Institute and convenes the plenary session of the Institute at least once per academic year.

Deputy directors

The Deputy Directors shall act for the Director in his absence or on a permanent basis in the areas delegated by the Director by mutual agreement. The Deputy Directors shall permanently represent the Director in case of Study and Research.

Position Person Secretariat
Deputy Director for Study doc. PhDr. Jiří Vykoukal, CSc.

Temporarily Mgr. Iveta Hönigerová

Mgr. Eva Špriňarová

Deputy Director for Research  prof. Mgr. Tomáš Weiss, M.A., Ph.D.

Mgr. Iveta Hönigerová

Ing. Pavla Kačmárová

Ing. Hana Tichovská


Heads of departments propose members of committees for the purposes of admission interviews and state final examinations for study programmes, convene departmental meetings and organise their operation so as to enable the smooth operation of study programmes.


Department of European Studies

Mgr. Eliška Tomalová, Ph.D.

Department of German and Austrian Studies PhDr. Zuzana Lizcová, Ph.D.
Department of Russian and East European Studies                         

Mgr. Daniela Kolenovská, Ph.D.

Department of North American Studies

PhDr. Jan Hornát, Ph.D.


IMS Management is an advisory body to its director and consists of representatives of the director, the secretary of the institute, heads of departments, guarantors of PhD studies, or chairpersons of the doctoral study councils, the vice-dean, or vice-deans of the IMS and representatives of the student self-government (SIMS), as well as members of the management delegated by the director to carry out a specific agenda.

Management position Member Secretariat
Management member for external relations
and PR
PhDr. Zuzana Lizcová, Ph.D. Bc. Tereza Wild
Management member for student affairs and foreign language
Mgr. Jan Váška, Ph.D. PhDr. Petra Baštová, Ph.D.
Management member for accreditation doc. PhDr. Jiří Vykoukal, CSc. ---
Management member for cooperation
with secondary schools
PhDr. Ondřej Žíla, Ph.D. ---
Management member for internationalisation PhDr. Pavel Szobi, Ph.D.

Mgr. Eva Špriňarová

The chairman of the department board
of Modern History
prof. PhDr. Ota Konrád, Ph.D.

Temporarily Mgr. Iveta Hönigerová

The chairman of the department board
of International Area Studies
prof. PhDr. Michal Kubát, Ph.D.

Temporarily Mgr. Iveta Hönigerová

Vice-Dean for Development PhDr. David Emler, Ph.D. ---
Vice-Dean for Foreign Relations PhDr. Zuzana Kasáková, Ph.D. ---
Member of the Rector's Board for 4EU+ Prof. PhDr. Lenka Rovná, CSc. ---

Programme supervisors

Programme supervisors are responsible for the curriculum design of the study programme they guarantee/supervise. They have programme coordinators on hand to help with the smooth running and promotion of the programmes and are the primary contact for students with queries.

Secretary and the secretariat

The Secretary shall organise meetings of the IMS management, deputise for the Director in the absence of the Director and his/her deputy and on a permanent basis in areas delegated by the Director by mutual agreement. The IMS Secretariat ensures an appropriate environment for the performance of the functions of the Director, Deputy Director, Secretary, Heads of Departments, Study Programme Supervisors, members of the Management Board and other staff delegated by the Institute's management with other tasks as well as the smooth running of the Institute's study (especially timetable) and research agenda, including individual grants and projects.

Secretary PhDr. Lucie Jůzová
Master's programmes and postgraduate education

Temporarily Mgr. Iveta Hönigerová

Bachelor's programmes, English language programmes and Erasmus+ 

Mgr. Eva Špriňarová

Administration of research agenda and projects Mgr. Iveta Hönigerová

Ing. Pavla Kačmárová

Ing. Hana Tichovská

Coordination of PR Bc. Tereza Wild
Coordination of EPS programme Bc. Jan Krajc
PR of EPS programme Štěpánka Javůrková
Coordination of English language programmes PhDr. Petra Baštová, Ph.D.

All the members and their agendas can be found here.