Department of Russian and East European Studies
Department of Russian and East European Studies
KRVS Department's Newsletter
You are cordially invited to a special screening of the documentary "Soldiers of Song" followed by a Q&A with the documentary's director Ryan Smith, Louise Martin-Chevalier and Valeria Korablyova.
Prof. Kateřina Králová from KRVS has been elected as a member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic. She was awarded as one of the most important Czech historians of the present time.
Dear students, dear colleagues, we would like to cordially invite you to our upcoming workshop Autoetnography of Vulnerability in Post-soviet Spaces. The workshop is going to be held on Monday, September 23, 2024.
A special issue of the Journal of Modern European History entitled "Mass Atrocities in Southeast Europe: History and Memory of World War II and its Aftermath" was published in May. The issue was co-edited by Kateřina Králová.
We would like to cordially invite you to a Small (Nation-)States Research Centre Talk by anthropologist Dr. Agata Rogos/Weiss titled “How Visual Constructs Shape Identity Conceptions: Perspectives from Small (Nation-)States – Insights from Macedonian, Kazakh and Turkmen Narratives.”
Srdečně zveme na tři přednášky, které se uskuteční v rámci projektu 4EU+ Pluralities of Memory, které povedou přední odborníci paměťových studií - Prof. Joanna Wawrzyniak, dr. Andreas Bandak a dr. Daniel Knight. Přednášky s navazující diskuzí se uskuteční 18. a 19. dubna 2024 v Areálu Jinonice, místnost B103A.