Scientific achievements

Scientific achievements


Držitel ocenění Katedra Ocenění
Maria Alina Asavei KRVS

Maria Asavei získala za monografii Art, Religion and Resistance in (Post-)Communist Romania: Nostalgia for Paradise Lost cenu v Soutěži vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK 2022.


Award holder Department Award




Bohuslav Litera received a Miroslava Ivanova Award in the category of World Military History and History of Genocides for his book Od Stalina ke Gorbačovovi: Mezinárodní politika a postavení komunistické supervelmoci 1945-1991 published in 2019.

Bohuslav Litera získal Cenu Miroslava Ivanova v kategorii Světové a vojenské dějiny a dějiny genocid | IMS - Institut mezinárodních studií ( (in Czech only)


Award holder Department Award
Jaroslav Kučera KNRS Jaroslav Kučera received from Charles University's Rector the UK Silver Medal for lifelong work on the development of knowledge in the field of modern history and for the development of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University
Karin Hofmeisterová KRVS Karin Hofmeisterová won Josef Hlávka Award for the best students and alumni of 2020
Miroslav Kunštát KNRS Miroslav Kunštát won the Academy of Sciences Award for the Outstanding Results of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation for the publication Dějiny Československé akademie věd I.​​​​​​​
Lenka Rovná KES

Lenka Rovna received from Charles University's Rector the UK Gold Medal for the development of the internationalization of Charles University and the development of the Faculty of Social Sciences UK

(in Czech only -

Rudolf Kučera

Ota Konrád

Rudolf Kučera and Ota Konrád were awarded the Successful Project of Czech Scientists (GACR) award for the GACR project Násilí ve střední Evropě za první světové války a v poválečné době - Srovnání rakouských a českých zemí.

Lucie Kadlecová KES Lucie Kadlecová was awarded Jacques Derrida Prize in Social sciences and humanities for her paper State Sovereignty in Cyber Space: A Modern Understanding of a Classic Concept
Ondřej Klípa KRVS Ondřej Klípa was awarded Jacques Derrida Prize in Social sciences and humanities Special award CEFRES Platform for his article Polish workers in the CSSR: unwelcome friendship. Specificities of temporary foreign labor migration in the state-socialist system


Ota Konrád KNRS for a study Two post-war paths: Popular violence in the Bohemian lands and in Austria in the aftermath of World War I was doc. Ota Konrád awarded Honorable mention v rámci Guttenbach Prize (the prize for the best study in an American journal "Nationalities Papers")
Rudolf Kučera KNRS for monograph Rationed LIfe received Rudolf Kučera an award Best Book in Czechoslovak Studies (Czechoslovak Studies Associations)
Rudolf Kučera KNRS for a share of the monograph Republika československá won Rudolf Kučera Cenu předsedkyně AV ČR za za vynikající vědecký výsledek
doc. Ota Konrád KNRS for a share of the monograph Republika československá won doc. Ota Konrád Cenu předsedkyně AV ČR za za vynikající vědecký výsledek
doc. Ota Konrád KNRS for cooperation in studies, science and cultural contacts between the Heinrich Heine University Historical Institute in Düsseldorf and IMS received doc. Konrád award "Verdiensturkunde" Univerzity Heinricha Heineho in Düsseldorfu
Rudolf Kučera

doc. Ota Konrád
KNRS for a publication Cesty z apokalypsy were authors nominated for Magnesia Litera 2019 award in category Naučná literatura
Jiří Kocián, jr. KRVS won Dean's Award for the Representation of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ondřej Klípa KRVS won a prestigious scholarship under the programme German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Research Fellowship for Academic Staff Technical University Dresden, 2019 (June-July)


doc. Kateřina Králová KRVS was awarded Honorary Research Associate, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg DE
Karel Svoboda KRVS for monograph Autokrat a jeho doba: Rusko a revoluce v letech 1830-1831 was Karel Svoboda awarded in Soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK 2018
doc. Kateřina Králová KRVS for monograph Návraty: poválečná rekonstrukce židovských komunit v zemích středovýchodní, jihovýchodní a východní Evropy were doc. Kateřina Králová and Hana Kubátová (IPS) awarded in Soutěži vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK 2018
Ondřej Žíla KRVS took part in Masaryk-Fulbright programme at University of Pittsburgh
Maria Alina Asavei KRVS project Political Resistance through Religious Neo-Orthodox Art in (Post) - Communist Romania suceeded and Maria Alina Asavei became National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellow


Lenka Rovná KES

Lenka Rovná received from the French Ambassador the insignia of an officer of the Order of Merit (2nd Class of the Order) for extraordinary merit in the development of Franco-Czech scientific cooperation

Lucie Filipová KNRS for monograph Erfüllte Hoffnung : Städtepartnerschaften als Instrument der deutsch-französischen Aussöhnung, 1950-2000 was Lucie Filipová awarded in Soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK 2017 - er work became the 2nd-3rd highest rated publication for FSV
doc. Kateřina Králová KRVS for monograph Our tears dried up: Greek refugees in Czechoslovakia was doc. Králová awarded in Soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK 2017
Ondřej Klípa KRVS took part in Masaryk-Fulbright programme at University of Illinois at Chicago
doc. Kateřina Králová KRVS

received an award from Learned Society, Under 40 Scientist Awards for 2017

Ondřej Klípa KRVS won a prestigious scholarship under the programme STIBET Program Scholarship, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder


Karin Hofmeisterová KRVS received a first place award at Balkan Affairs Student Conference organized by The Czech Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR) in cooperation with Committee on Foreign Affairs
Tereza Juhászová KRVS for her unique performance during her studies received Tereza Juhászová Karel Engliš Prize
Ondřej Žíla KRVS project The Flight of Serbs from Sarajevo succeeded in program Visegrad Fund, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Science
Karin Hofmeisterová KRVS received reward Anna and Jaroslav Krejčí Prize for the best scientific work, integreted social sciences


Tereza Martincová KSAS for the essays containing the most interesting suggestions, views and questions about the role of law and justice in society was Tereza Martincová awarded Cena Ius et Societas
Ondřej Žíla KRVS for publication Are You the One and Only Homeland I have?” Ethno-demographic Changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1945–2013 received Ondřej Žíla an award in Soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK
Teritoriální tyjátr IMS for his theatrical work, the Teritoriální tyjátr was awarded Mimořádnou cenu rektotora UK
Lucie Filipová KNRS for monograph Francouzi a Němci na cestě ke sblížení: partnerství měst a obcí (1950–2000) was Lucie Filipová awarded in Soutěži vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK 2015 - her work became the top-rated publication for FSV
doc. Kateřina Králová KRVS became Sosland Family Fellow in Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, USHMM, Washington D.C.


doc. Kateřina Králová KRVS for the monograph Nesplacená minulost: řecko-německé vztahy ve stínu nacismu was doc. Králová awarded in Soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK 2014
doc. Miloš Calda KSAS

for the support of Czech-American relationships and mutual understanding was doc. Calda awarded Cena Woodrowa Wilsona