PhDr. Ondřej Žíla, Ph.D.
PhDr. Ondřej Žíla, Ph.D.

- Department of Russian and East European Studies
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 267 224 297
Rooms: No. C316, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: P-9897-2017
Scopus Author ID: 28667528600
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5162-330X
Ondřej Žíla, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor at the Department of Russian and East-European Studies. His chief research interests are ethno-demographic changes, forced migrations, and conflicts in the countries of the former Yugoslavia. He published a monograph ‘You Are My Only Homeland’: Ethno-Demographic Metamorphoses of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1945–2013 (in Czech) and more than twenty studies. He has conducted a lot of field research in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Croatia. His current research is focused on the topic of the reintegration of divided Sarajevo after the end of the Bosnian conflict at the beginning of 1996 and its specific consequences.
Rok vydání
- Moravcová M., Bittnerová D., Kouba M., Libánská A., Ljuca A., Marholeva K., Mujačić A., Skenderija B., Skenderija I., Skenderija S., Slavková M., Šístek F., Žíla O., & Žarković J. (2014). Etnické komunity. Lidé Bosny a Herzegoviny. Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze.
Chapters in monographs
- Žíla O. (2022). 'Sarajevo is not what it used to be': Ex-Sarajevan Serbs and their ambivalent relationship to their place of origin. Journal of Refugee Studies [online], 35(1), 416-434. UT-WOS link
- Žíla O. (2022). Managing mass migration after the war: The case of Sarajevo's unification in 1996. Political Geography, 96(June), 1-11. UT-WOS link
- Žíla O. (2021). The Flight of Serbs from Sarajevo: Not the Dayton Agreement's First Failure, but its First Logical Consequence. Nationalities Papers, 49(5), 967-985. UT-WOS link
- Žíla O., & Čermák P. (2021). "Does Džeko Live in Bosnia and Herzegovina?": Demographics as a Hostage of Ethno-politics in the 2013 Census. East European Politics and Societies, 35(4), 1013-1042. UT-WOS link
- Žíla O. (2018). Poločas rozpadu? Dvojí štěpení daytonske Bosny a Hercegoviny. Porta Balkanica, 10(1-2), 5-20.
- Žíla O. (2019). Mezi bratrstvím a jednotou a nacionalismem: Národní klíč v socialistické a daytonské Bosně a Hercegovině. Slovanský přehled. Review for the History of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, 105(1), 65-85.
- Žíla O. (2018). "Konflikt začal v Sarajevu a zde i skončí" : historický kontext tzv. reintegrace hlavního města po válce v Bosně a Hercegovině v roce 1996. Historicky Casopis, 66(3), 493-522. UT-WOS link
- Žíla O. (2019). After Coming Home: Forms and Meanings of Return in Dayton's Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bulletin de l'Institut etnographique, 67(3), 523-543.
- Žíla O. (2017). Západní velmoci a jejich role v řízení repatriačního procesu v daytonské Bosně a Hercegovině. Moderní dějiny. Časopis pro dějiny 19. a 20. století, 25(2), 265-283.
- Žíla O. (2015). The War Conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Phenomenon of Ethnic Cleansing. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 3(prosinec), 157-188.
- Žíla O. (2015). Etnické inženýrství či neodvratná realita? Exodus bosenských Srbů ze Sarajeva po skončení občanské války. Příčiny, důsledky, řešení. Český lid, 102(2), 129-150.
- Žíla O. (2023). 'Exodus': The Serb flight from Sarajevo, its legacy, and its role in the political memory of Republika Srpska. Nations and Nationalism, 29(3), 1007-1023. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Žíla O. (2017). Exodus Srbů ze Sarajeva po skončeni války v Bosně a Hercegovině : základní východiska zkoumání. Studia Balkanica Bohemo-Slovaca VII (pp. 363-374).
WS 2023/2024
- Migrations in the Balkans in the 20th century
- Forced migrations, repatriation of refugees and internally displaced persons in the former Yugoslavia
- Yugoslav wars
- Contemporary History of the Former Yugoslavia
- Political geography of the Balkans
- Regional and human geography of Southeastern Europe
- Post-war reconstruction, peacebuilding process, reconstruction in the Former Yugoslavia