PhDr. Jan Hornát, Ph.D.
PhDr. Jan Hornát, Ph.D.

- Department of North American Studies
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 267 224 263
Rooms: No. B325, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: Q-1743-2017
Scopus Author ID: 55597593200
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5336-6733
Rok vydání
- Hornát J. (2019). Transatlantic Democracy Assistance : Promoting Different Models of Democracy. Routledge.
- Hornát J., & Kindl L. (2018). Global competition or convergence? : ideological and economic interactions of a rising China and the U.S.. Charles University, Karolinum Press.
- Hornát J., Kýrová L., Mertová V., Rezková A., Divišová K., El-Ahmadieh J., Fiřtová M., Jáč M., Kozák K., Král Z., & Pondělíček J. (2020). America First: Příčiny a kontext volebního vítězství Donalda Trumpa. Karolinum.
- Fiřtová M., Hornát J., Sehnálková J., Dujčíková K., Kozák K., Divišová K., Lepš J., Šrámek P., Schulzová H., Christensen S., Fojtek V., Bečka J., & Zukerstein J. (2017). Prezidentství Baracka Obamy: naplněné vize?. Univerzita Karlova, nakladatelství Karolinum.
- Anděl P., Čapinská B., Fiřtová M., Hornát J., Krumpholcová V., Kucer M., Rezek T., Sehnálková J., Schulzová H., & Voborníková P. (2013). Spojené státy v úpadku? Vybrané problémy veřejné politiky v severoamerickém kontextu. Dokořán.
Chapters in monographs
- Hornát J. (2014). Democracy Promotion: Competing Perspectives with Grave Consequences. The United States as a Divided Nation : Past and Present (pp. 287-306).
- Hornát J. (2021). The Complicated Relationship Between Liberalism and Democracy. From Alpha Century to Viral World: The Raisina Young Fellows Speak (pp. 80-86).
- Hornát J. (2021). The role of the QUAD in the Biden administration's prospective Indo-Pacific strategy. The Indo-Pacific in the Post-Trump Era: Expectations and Challenges (pp. 41-56).
- Hornát J. (2019). Democratization through education? Theory and practice of the Czech post-revolution education system and its reforms. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 52(3), 271-281. UT-WOS link
- Hornát J. (2016). Closing the closing space: sustaining democracy promotion in European foreign policy. Global Affairs, 2(3), 273-285.
- Hornát J. (2012). Is Beijing a Responsible Stakeholder? A Critical Assessment of China’s Role in the International System of the 21st Century according to the United States. Archiv Orientální, 80(3), 435-473.
- Hornát J. (2015). US Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion: From Theodore Roosevelt to Barack Obama. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia, 15(1-2), 91-96.
- Hornát J. (2023). Hegemonic stability in the Indo-Pacific: US-India relations and induced balancing. International Relations, 37(2), 324-347. UT-WOS link
- Hornát J., Šlosarčík I., Tomalová E., & Váška J. (2023). International Organisations as Status Enhancers: The Case of the Czech Republic. Europe-Asia Studies, 75(10), 1626-1650. UT-WOS link
- Hornát J., Csicsmann L., & Starzyk-Sulejewska J. (2023). The Political Elite's Thematic Framing of China in Recent Central European Elections. Issues and Studies, 59(1), 1-35. UT-WOS link
- Hornát J. (2024). Survival and status in the liberal international order: the grantors of recognition. Journal of International Relations and Development, 27(1), 95-115. UT-WOS link
- Hornát J. (2024). Status enhancement and attention-seeking in the transatlantic relationship: the Visegrad states and the Trump administration. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 21(3-4), 197-221.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
The Transatlantic Link: Understanding America from Europe (JTM034) ; Promoting democracy abroad: the US and the EU in third countries (JTM254) ; Global Governance: The US and International Organizations (JTM248) ; Politics and International Relations (JTM006)
Jan Hornát has been the Head of the Department of North American Studies since April 2019. He currently focuses mainly on American foreign policy, transatlantic relations, and the role of status in international affairs. His most recent publications include "The Visegrad Group and Democracy Promotion: Transition Experience and Beyond Democracy" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). He has also published in academic journals such as International Relations, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Global Affairs and The National Interest. Jan Hornát is researcher within the Peace Research Center Prague and starting in September 2022 he will be a Fulbright-Masaryk scholar at the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University. In the past, he was Head of Unit at the Department of European Programs of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. From 2019 to 2021 he was a member of the Academic Senate of FSV UK.