Archive of Decrees

Archive of Decrees


12/2024 IMS Director's Decree on Study in WS 2024/2025 (only in Czech)
8/2024 IMS Director's Decree on the Organisation of Assignment and Submission of Bachelor's Thesis Projects and Master's Thesis Projects SS 2024 (only in Czech)
02/2024 IMS Director's Decree on Study in SS 2023/2024 (only in Czech)
10/2023 IMS Director's Decree on the Organisation of Assignment and Submission of Bachelor's Thesis Projects in WS 2023 and Master's Thesis in SS 2024 (only in Czech)
08/2023 IMS Director's Decree on Study in WS 2023/2024 (only in Czech)

SS 2022/2023

06/2023 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Practical Placements Program at IMS for the Winter Semester 2023/2024
05/2023 IMS Director's decree on taking leave in 2023
04/2023 Decree on Specific Higher Education Research project at the IMS FSV UK (SVV)
03/2023 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at IIS for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
02/2023 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Study Stays Program at IMS for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
01/2023 IMS Director's Decree on study in SS 2022/2023  (only in Czech)                                                           
  Annex to OD 13/2022 Principles of career growth at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University for employing academic staff, researchers, and lecturers

WS 2022/2023

  Annex to OD 13/2022 Principles of career growth at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University for employing academic staff, researchers, and lecturers
14/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on the organization of comprehensive examination in the subjects JTB017, JTB018 and JTB020 in the Academic Year 2022/2023  (only in Czech)
13/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Practical Placements Program at IMS for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
12/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at IIS for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
11/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on the organization of awarding and submission of bachelor's and master's thesis projects 2022/2023 (only in Czech)
10/2022 IMS Director's Decree on study in WS 2022/2023 (only in Czech) 

SS 2021/2022

09/2022 Director's Decree on doctoral studies at IMS FSV UK
08/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on taking leave in 2022
07/2022 Decree of the Director of IMS FSV UK (hereinafter IMS) to organize an exam period in SS 2021/2022
06/2022 Decree on Specific Higher Education Research project at the IMS FSV UK (SVV)
05/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on the teaching regime in SS 2021/2022 with regard to COVID-19
04/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Study Stays Program at IMS for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
03/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Practical Placements Program at IMS for the Summer Semester 2021/2022
02/2022 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at IIS for the 2021/2022 Academic Year
01/2022 Vyhláška ředitele IMS k zahájení studia v LS školního roku 2021/2022 (only in Czech)

WS 2021/2022

18/2021 Decree of the IMS Director to organize an exam period in WS 2021/2022
17/2021 Decree on the establishment and organisation of research groups at IMS FSV UK
16/2021 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at IIS for the 2021/2022 Academic Year
15/2021 2021 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Practical Placements Program at IMS for the Winter Semester 2021/2022
14/2021 Decree of the IMS Director on the teaching regime in WS 2021 with regard to COVID-19

SS 2020/2021

11b/2021 Announcement of an internal competition for two to four posts at the Doctoral Studies Centre (DSC) at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (IMS FSV UK)
11a/2021 IMS Director's Decree on taking vacation days in 2021
10/2021 IMS Director's Decree on the rules for the funding of research-related activities at IMS
09/2021 IMS Director's Decree on organization of Specific Higher Education Research project at the IMS FSV UK (SVV)
08/2021 IMS Director's Decree on examination period LS 2021
07/2021 IMS Director’s Decree on organization of commissioning and submission of Bachelor and Master thesis projects in SS 2020/2021 (for Czech programmes only)
06/2021 IMS Director’s Decree on student plagiarism
05/2021 IMS Director's Decree on media outputs of IMS FSV UK staff and doctoral candidates
02/2021 Decree of the IMS Director on teaching in SS 2021
01/2021 Decree of the IMS Director on study in SS 2021

WS 2020/2021

21/2020 Decree for application of the citation standard in the seminar and qualification work of Czech-language bachelor programmes on IMS valid from Summer Semester 2021
20/2020 Decree on the organization of the exam period WS 2020/2021
2020 Guidelines for WS 2020/2021(lecturers)
2020 Guidelines for WS 2020/2021 (external lecturers)
2020 Information for employees on “tele-present” (online) teaching in WS 2020/21
2020 Information for external lecturers in WS 2020/21
2020 Information on the status of COVID measures at IMS (in Czech only)
2020 Completion and updating of syllabus on WS until August 31, 2020
2020 Organisation of teaching in ZS 2020/2021

SS 2019/2020

15/2020 Announcement of an internal competition for two to four posts at the Doctoral Studies Centre (DSC) at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (IMS FSV UK)
13/2020 Decree on Specific Higher Education Research project at the IMS FSV UK (SVV)
11/2020 Methodical instruction of the director of IMS FSV UK (hereinafter referred to as IMS) to the organization and technical support of examinations and state final examinations in LS 2020
10/2020 Decree of the Director of IMS FSV UK (hereinafter IMS) to the organization of examination period in LS 2020
09/2020 Decree of the Director of IMS on taking leave (vacation) in 2020
03/2020 IMS Director's Decree to remunerate IMS staff for teaching

Decree on the Coronavir Covid-19

08/2020 Decree of the Director of Study Operations of the Institute of International Studies FSV UK during action against Coronavirus of March 17, 2020
07/2020 Decree of the IMS Director on Operation of the Institute of International Studies FSV UK in the course of action against Coronavirus, published on March 11, 2020

WS 2019/2020

02/2020 IMS Director Notice on the remuneration of research outputs at the Institute of International Studies from 2020
2019 Rules for the Use of Audiovisual Equipment at the Institute of International Studies FSV UK
03/2019 IMS Director Notice regarding media appearances (in Czech only)
2019 IMS Director Notice regarding the Rules for the funding of research-related activities
2019 IMS Director Notice regarding the Organization of the SVV in 2019
05/2019 IMS Director Notice on taking leave (vacation) in 2019
2019 Rules for Remunerating Publication Outputs at the Institute of International Studies FSV UK for the year 2019

The student announcements page here.

SS 2020/2021

8/2021 IMS Director's Decree on organization of examination period SS 2020/2021
7/2021 IMS Director’s Decree on organization of commissioning and submission of Bachelor and Master thesis projects in SS 2020/2021 (for Czech students only)
6/2021 IMS Director’s Decree on student plagiarism
5/2021 IMS Director's Decree on media outputs of IMS FSV UK staff and doctoral candidates

Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Practical Placements Program at IMS for the Summer Semester 2020/2021

03/2021 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at IMS for the 2021/2022 Academic Year
02/2021 Decree of the IMS Director on the organization of the selection procedure within the program Erasmus + on IMS for Summer Semester 2020/2021
01/2021 Decree of the IMS Director on the study in SS 2021

WS 2020/2021

21/2020 Decree for application of the citation standard in the seminar and qualification work of Czech-language bachelor programmes on IMS valid from Summer Semester 2021
20/2020 Decree on the organization of the exam period WS 2020/2021

Decree of the IMS Director for the beginning of the studies in the winter semester of the school year 2020/2021

SS 2019/2020

15/2020 Announcement of an internal competition for two to four posts at the Doctoral Studies Centre (DSC) at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (IMS FSV UK)
13/2020 Decree on Specific Higher Education Research project at the IMS FSV UK   
12/2020 Decree of the director for submitting projects for bachelor's and master's theses   
06/2020 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ Practical Placements Program at IMS for the SS 2019/2020 and for the 2020/2021 Academic Year
05/2020 Decree of the IMS Director on Selection Proceedings within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at IMS for the 2020/2021 Academic Year
04/2020 Decree of the IMS Director on the organization of the selection procedure within the program Erasmus + on IMS for the academic year 2020/2021
01/2020 Decree of the IMS Director for the beginning of the studies in the summer semester of the school year 2019/2020

Decree on the Covid-19

08/2020 Decree of the Director of Study Operations of the Institute of International Studies FSV UK during action against Coronavirus of March 17, 2020
07/2020 Decree of the IMS Director on Operation of the Institute of International Studies FSV UK in the course of action against Coronavirus, published on March 11, 2020


2019 Citation standard and basic tips for referencing for students
2019 Decree of the IMS Director on the organization of internships within compulsory elective courses of bachelor and master study application form
10/2019 Decree of the IMS Director on the organization of the selection procedure for practical placements within the Erasmus + program in academic year 2019/2020
08/2019 Decree of the IMS Director on the organization of the selection procedure for stays under the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility program in academic year 2019/2020
04/2019 Decree of the IMS Director on Student Plagiarism
2019 Decree of the IMS Director regarding the Organization of the SUR for Ph.D. students in 2019
2019 Letter from the Director of IMS to this year's announcement of the CDS IMS competition
07/2019 Decree of the IMS Director for the beginning of the studies in the winter semester of the school year 2019/2020