Mgr. Tereza Juhászová
Mgr. Tereza Juhászová

- Department of Russian and East European Studies
E-mail: ,
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7417-6020
Tereza Juhászová is a PhD Candidate in Modern History pursuing a joint doctoral degree at the Charles University in Prague (CZ) and the University of Regensburg (GER). She is a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Russian and East European Studies at Charles University (CU). The topic of her Ph.D. thesis is “Post-WWII Coexistence in an East Slovak Small-town.” In her research, Tereza focuses on the microhistories of Central Europe, emphasizing the national, ethnic, social, and gender dynamics within urban spaces during the second half of the 20th century.
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Juhászová T. (2023). ʻBien Mantaaknʼ: The Manifestation of Identity in Cemeteries in the Eastern Slovak Town of Medzev. East Central European Cemeteries: Ethnic, Linguistic, and Narrative Aspects of Sepulchral Culture and the Commemoration of the Dead in Borderlands (pp. 77-106).
- Juhászová T. (2022). Post-WWII migration flows in micro-perspective: The case of the east Slovak small town Medzev. Človek a spoločnosť [online], 25(1), nestránkováno.
- Juhászová T. (2018). The Troubled Pasts of Hungarian and German Minorities in Slovakia and Their Representation in Museums. Journal of Nationalism Memory and Language Politics [online], 12(1), 52-71.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
History of Hungary
Contemporary Hungary
Modern History of Slovakia (1918‒1989)
Marginal groups in Czechoslovakia and Hungary (national, ethnic, social and gender issues)
The Construction of Collective Identities in Central Europe
Project Post-WWII Coexistence in an East Slovak Small-town; 2023‒2024
Principal Investigator
Modern History of (Czecho)Slovakia
Modern History of Hungary
Oral History
Microhistory and Urban Studies
German Minority in Slovakia