doc. PhDr. Michal Smetana, Ph.D.
doc. PhDr. Michal Smetana, Ph.D.

- Department of North American Studies
Telephone: +420 723 065 858
Rooms: No. B226, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: E-9777-2018
Scopus Author ID: 55672957800
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1901-9428
Michal Smetana is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Director of the Peace Research Center Prague (PRCP), and Head Researcher at the Experimental Lab for International Security Studies (ELISS). Previously, he was a Fulbright Scholar at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). His main research interests lie at the intersection of security studies, international relations, and political psychology, with a specific focus on nuclear weapons in world politics, arms control and disarmament, norm contestation, frozen conflicts, and experimental methodology. His articles have been published in International Studies Quarterly, Security Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Affairs, Journal of Peace Research, International Studies Review, Contemporary Security Policy, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Interactions, Survival, Washington Quarterly, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and many other scholarly and policy journals. He is the author of Nuclear Deviance.
Rok vydání
- Smetana M., Ludvík J., Stehlík J., Bahenský V., Svitek F., Zajícová V., Konopásek Š., Lovecký T., & Hrdinová L. (2017). Indirect Coercion : Triangular Strategies and International Conflict. Charles University, Karolinum Press.
- Smetana M. (2020). Nuclear Deviance: Stigma Politics and the Rules of Nonproliferation Game. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hynek N., & Smetana M. (2016). Global Nuclear Disarmament: Strategic, Political, and Regional Perspectives. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Chapters in monographs
- Smetana M. (2021). Nuclear Weapons and Peaceful Change. The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (pp. 301-318).
- Smetana M. (2016). Nuclear infrastructure, strategic hedging, and the implications for disarmament. Global Nuclear Disarmament : Strategic, Political, and Regional Perspectives (pp. 44-60).
- Smetana M. (2019). Weapons of Mass Protection? Rogue Asteroids, Nuclear Explosions in Space, and the Norms of Global Nuclear Order. Planetary Defense (pp. 231-244).
- Hynek N., & Smetana M. (2016). Nuclear disarmament: Prague moments and analytical remarks. Global Nuclear Disarmament: Strategic, Political, and Regional Perspectives (pp. 1-11).
- Ostermann F., Böller F., Christiansen F., Kučmáš K., Onderčo M., & Smetana M. (2021). Voting on the Use of Armed Force: Challenges of Data Indexing, Classification, and the Value of a Comparative Agenda. Research Methods in Defence Studies: A Multidisciplinary Overview (pp. 170-188).
- Smetana M., Vranka M., & Rosendorf O. (2024). Elite-public gaps in support for nuclear and chemical strikes: New evidence from a survey of British parliamentarians and citizens. Research & Politics, 11(July-September), 1-6. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., Vranka M., & Rosendorf O. (2024). The “Commitment Trap” Revisited: Experimental Evidence on Ambiguous Nuclear Threats. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 11(1), 64-77. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M. (2015). Jaderná infrastruktura ve světě bez jaderných zbraní: logika virtuálních arzenálů v kontextu jaderného odzbrojení. Obrana a strategie, 15(1), 19-30.
- Smetana M., & Ditrych O. (2015). The more the merrier: Time for a multilateral turn in nuclear disarmament. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 71(3), 30-37. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M. (2016). Stuck on disarmament: the European Union and the 2015 NPT Review Conference. International Affaires, 92(1), 137-152. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., Onderčo M., & Etienne T. (2021). Do Germany and the Netherlands want to say goodbye to US nuclear weapons?. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 77(4), 215-221. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., & Ludvík J. (2017). Nuclear proliferation, preventive strikes, and the optimist-pessimist divide. Nonproliferation Review, 23(5-6), 535-536.
- Smetana M. (2014). The Prague Agenda and the Future of Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament. Mezinárodní politika, Neuveden(12), nestránkováno.
- Smetana M., & Wunderlich C. (2021). Nonuse of Nuclear Weapons in World Politics: Toward the Third Generation of "Nuclear Taboo" Research. International Studies Review, 23(3), 1072-1099. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., & Vranka M. (2021). How moral foundations shape public approval of nuclear, chemical, and conventional strikes: new evidence from experimental surveys. International Interactions, 47(2), 374-390. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., & O'Mahoney J. (2022). NPT as an antifragile system: How contestation improves the nonproliferation regime. Contemporary Security Policy [online], 43(1), 24-49. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M. (2013). Role jaderných zbraní v bezpečnostní strategii Spojených států ve 21. století. Mezinárodní vztahy, 48(1), 27-49.
- Smetana M. (2014). „Duch Berlína“ v kontextu jaderné politiky USA. Mezinárodní politika, Neuveden(1), nestránkováno.
- Smetana M., & Onderčo M. (2023). From Moscow With a Mushroom Cloud? Russian Public Attitudes to the Use of Nuclear Weapons in a Conflict With NATO. JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION, 67(2-3), 183-209. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., & Onderčo M. (2022). Elite-Public Gaps in Attitudes to Nuclear Weapons : New Evidence from a Survey of German Citizens and Parliamentarians. International Studies Quarterly, 66(2), 1-10. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., Vranka M., & Rosendorf O. (2023). The lesser evil? Experimental evidence on the strength of nuclear and chemical weapon "taboos". CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND PEACE SCIENCE, 40(1), 3-21. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M. (2014). Jaderná politika Spojených států po konci studené války : Vývoj v kontextu proliferace ZHN. Obrana a strategie, 14(1), 39-50.
- Smetana M., & Onderčo M. (2018). Bringing the Outsiders in: Interactionist Perspective on Deviance and Normative Change. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 31(6), 516-536. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., & Ludvík J. (2019). Theorising indirect coercion: The logic of triangular strategies. International Relations, 33(3), 455-474. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M. (2020). (De-)stigmatising the Outsider: Nuclear-armed India, United States, and the Global Non-Proliferation Order. Journal of International Relations and Development, 23(3), 535-558. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M., & Ludvík J. (2019). Between war and peace: a dynamic reconceptualization of "frozen conflicts". Asia Europe Journal, 17(1), 1-14. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M. (2018). The Prague Agenda: An Obituary?. New Perspectives, 26(1), 16-22. UT-WOS link
- Smetana M. (2018). A Nuclear Posture Review for the Third Nuclear Age: Patterns of Continuity and Change. The Washington Quarterly, 41(3), 137-157. UT-WOS link
- Ganguly S., Smetana M., Abdullah S., & Karmazin A. (2019). India, Pakistan, and the Kashmir dispute: unpacking the dynamics of a South Asian frozen conflict. Asia Europe Journal, 17(1), 129-143. UT-WOS link
- Rosendorf O., Smetana M., & Vranka M. (2022). Autonomous weapons and ethical judgments : Experimental evidence on attitudes toward the military use of 'killer robots'. Peace and Conflict, 28(2), 177-183. UT-WOS link
- Rosendorf O., Smetana M., & Vranka M. (2021). Disarming Arguments: Public Opinion and Nuclear Abolition. Survival, 63(6), 183-200. UT-WOS link
- Onderčo M., Smetana M., van der Meer S., & Etienne T. (2022). When do the Dutch want to join the nuclear ban treaty? Findings of a public opinion survey in the Netherlands. Nonproliferation Review, 28(1-3), 149-163.
- Onderčo M., & Smetana M. (2021). German views on US nuclear weapons in Europe: public and elite perspectives. European Security, 30(4), 630-648. UT-WOS link
- Martínková H., & Smetana M. (2020). Dynamics of norm contestation in the Chemical Weapons Convention: The case of 'non-lethal agents. Politics, 40(4), 428-443. UT-WOS link
- Rosendorf O., Smetana M., & Vranka M. (2024). Algorithmic Aversion? Experimental Evidence on the Elasticity of Public Attitudes to "Killer Robots". Security Studies, 33(1), 115-145. UT-WOS link
- Onderčo M., Smetana M., & Etienne T. (2023). Hawks in the making? European public views on nuclear weapons post-Ukraine. Global Policy, 14(2), 305-317. UT-WOS link
- Onderčo M., Tom W E., & Smetana M. (2022). Ideology and the Red Button : How Ideology Shapes Nuclear Weapons’ Use Preferences in Europe. Foreign Policy Analysis [online], 18(4), 1-21. UT-WOS link
- Klosek K., Bahenský V., Smetana M., & Ludvík J. (2021). Frozen Conflicts in World Politics: A New Dataset. Journal of Peace Research, 58(4), 849-858. UT-WOS link
- Kalhousová I., Komasová S., Plíštilová T., Smetana M., & Vranka M. (2025). Elite-public gaps in attitudes towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: new evidence from a survey of Czech parliamentarians and citizens. East European Politics, 2024(October), 1-17. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
Political Psychology in International Relations, Nuclear Weapons in World Politics, Crisis Games, Diploma Seminar II+III, Theory and Practice of Academic Work, Methodology for Ph.D. Students
political psychology / nuclear weapons / frozen conflicts / norms and deviance in IR / surveys / experiments
2024– present “Peace Research Center Prague II”, University Center of Excellence (UNCE) program, Charles University, project coordinator & senior researcher
2023–present “Public Support for Nuclear Arms Control: An Experimental Survey Approach”, 2022 Nuclear Security Grant Program, Stanton Foundation (United States), principal investigator
2022–present “Beyond Nuclear Deterrence” (Rethinking Nuclear Deterrence), McArthur Foundation, Harvard University – John F. Kennedy School of Government, researcher & Charles University team leader
2022–present “Experimental Lab for International Security Studies (ELISS)”, PRIMUS program, Charles University, principal investigator
2018–2023 “Peace Research Center Prague”, University Center of Excellence (UNCE), Charles University, project coordinator & researcher
2021–2022 “Strategic Communication: Lessons from COVID-19”, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, researcher
2019–2020 “Moral Foundations of International Security: An Experimental Approach”, Fulbright Program, Fulbright-Masaryk Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Stanford University, principal investigator
2018–2019 “Expanding the Study of the Nuclear Taboo: Cross-National and Multi-Dimensional Perspectives”, International Studies Association (ISA), Catalytic Research Grant, principal investigator
2017–2018 “Cyber-League: Volunteer Capacity Building in Cyber Defense”, National Cyber and Information Security Agency, researcher
2017–2019 “Protection of Research Organizations in Relation to the State’s Economic Security”, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, researcher
2015–2019 “Early Warning Indicators of Escalating Frozen Conflicts”, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, researcher
2014–2016 “Indirect Coercive Strategies: Nuclear Weapons and Tacit Threats in International Crises”, Grant Agency of Charles University (GAUK), principal investigator
2013–2016 “Global Prohibition Regimes: Theoretical Refinement and Empirical Analysis”, Czech Science Foundation (GACR), researcher
nuclear weapons; political psychology; experimental methods; international norms; stigma and deviance in IR