doc. Adrian Brisku, Ph.D.
doc. Adrian Brisku, Ph.D.

- Department of Russian and East European Studies
Telephone: +420 267 224 255
Rooms: No. C319, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: E-9719-2018
Scopus Author ID: 55173616000
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5691-1220
Rok vydání
- Brisku A. (2021). კონფლიქტები და მშვიდობა სამხრეთ კავკასიაში:ისტორიული კონტექსტი, თეორიული ასპექტები და პრაქტიკული გამოცდილება. ShPS ‘Stamba’.
- Brisku A. (2021). Osmanlı ve Rus İmparatorluklarında Siyasi Reformlar - Karşılaştırmalı bir yaklaşım - Çeviren Ali Fahri Doğan. Yedisu.
- Brisku A. (2013). Bittersweet Europe : Albanian and Georgian Discourses on Europe, 1878-2008. Berghahn Books.
- Brisku A. (2017). Political Reform in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: A Comparative Approach. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Brisku A. (2023). ამიერკავკასის დემოკრატიული ფედერაციული რესპუბლიკა 1918. Artanuji.
- Brisku A. (2024). In Search of Peace - Vicious Circle of Post-Soviet Conflicts - Rethinking Ways of Transformation. Publshing Press DAISY.
- Backus Borshi O., Brisku A., Dobra R., Křepinský M., Kuka I., Lalaj A., Ludva J., Milkani P., Puto A., & Vinš P. (2022). Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánských vztahů. Vzájemné sympatie a rostoucí interakce. Karolinum.
- Backus Borshi O., Brisku A., Dobra R., Křepinský M., Kuka I., Lalaj A., Ludva J., Milkani P., Puto A., & Vinš P. (2022). Njëqind vjet marrëdhënie shqiptaro-çeko(sllovake) : Simpati reciproke dhe kontakte në rritje. Karolinum.
Chapters in monographs
- Brisku A. (2021). Afterword. The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic of 1918: Federal Aspirations, Geopolitics and National Projects (pp. 124-126).
- Brisku A. (2021). The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic (TDFR) as a "Georgian" responsibility. The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic of 1918: Federal Aspirations, Geopolitics and National Projects (pp. 31-44).
- Brisku A. (2021). Introduction: Who wanted the TDFR? The making and the breaking of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic of 1918: Federal Aspirations, Geopolitics and National Projects (pp. 1-8).
- Brisku A. (2022). Në vend të hyrjes: Më shumë se njëqind vjet marrëdhënie diplomatike shqiptaro-çeke. Njëqind vjet marrëdhënie shqiptaro-çeko(sllovake) Simpati reciproke dhe kontakte në rritje (pp. 7-20).
- Brisku A. (2015). Holy Alliance as 'An Order of Things Conformable to the Interests of Europe and to the Laws of Religion and Humanity'. Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth Century Europe (pp. 153-169).
- Brisku A. (2020). Modern Georgia. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History (pp. 1-22).
- Brisku A. (2018). Georgiens langer und schwieriger Weg 'nach Europa'. Georgien, neu buchstabiert : Politik und Kultur eines Landes auf dem Weg nach Europa (pp. 23-30).
- Brisku A. (2018). P'irveli resp'ublik'is p'olit'ik'uri ek'onomik'a: dovlatis shekmnas, redist'ributsiasa da shromis datsvas shoris. Sakartvelos demokratiuli respublikis gakhseneba 100 clis shemdeg - modeli evrop’istvis? = Remembering the Georgian Democratic Republic 100 Years On: A Model for Europe (pp. 337-355).
- Brisku A. (2018). The Place of "Europe" in the Post-soviet Georgian Modernization Discourse. Modernization in Georgia : Theories, Discourses, Realities (pp. 107-138).
- Brisku A. (2019). Ottoman-Russian Relations. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History (pp. 1-20).
- Brisku A. (2014). 'Politics of Change and Stability' in the Ottoman and Russian Empires, 1815-1914. Creating Community and Ordering the World : The European Shadow of the Past and Future of the Present (pp. 44-58).
- Brisku A. (2013). Empires without Cosmopolitanism? - Locating Cosmopolitanism in Nineteenth Century Ottoman and Russian Empires. Cosmopolitanisms in Enlightenment Europe and Beyond, (pp. 125-140).
- Brisku A. (2022). Místo úvodu: více než sto let česko-albánských diplomatických vztahů. Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánských vztahů: Vzájemné sympatie a rostoucí interakce (pp. 7-20).
- Brisku A. (2022). Dealing with smallness in Habsburg Bohemia, Ottoman Albania and Tsarist Georgia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Politics of Smallness in Modern Europe : Size, Identity and International Relations since 1800 (pp. 35-54).
- Brisku A. (2024). ევროპის სადავო სახე-ხატი საქართველოში გვიანდელი ცარიზმიდან ადრინდელ საბჭოთა პერიოდამდე. საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკა ფორმისა და შინაარსის ძიებაში (pp. 171-200).
- Brisku A. (2024). 'Preface: In Search of Peace - Vicious Circle of Post-Soviet Conflicts - Rethinking Ways of Transformation'. In Search of Peace - Vicious Circle of Post-Soviet Conflicts - Rethinking Ways of Transformation' (pp. 7-12).
- Brisku A. (2016). Empires of Conquest and Civilization in Georgian Political and Intellectual Discourse since Late Nineteenth Century. INTERSECTIONS-EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND POLITICS, 2(2), 104-123. UT-WOS link
- Brisku A. (2021). "Svaz nechybí, jeho dědictví trvá: 'Jihokavkazské' úvahy o třiceti letech po zániku SSSR". Dějiny a současnost, 63(9), 17-20.
- Brisku A., & Blauvelt T. (2020). Who wanted the TDFR? The making and the breaking of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. Caucasus Survey [online], 8(1), 1-9.
- Brisku A. (2020). Afterword. Caucasus Survey [online], 8(1), 124-125.
- Brisku A. (2020). Renegotiating the Empire, Forging the Nation-State: The Albanian Case through the Political Economic Thought of Ismail Qemali, Fan Noli, and Luigj Gurakuqi, c. 1890-1920s. Nationalities Papers, 48(1), 158-174. UT-WOS link
- Brisku A. (2020). The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic (TDFR) as a "Georgian" responsibility. Caucasus Survey, 8(1), 31-44. UT-WOS link
- Brisku A. (2015). So fern und doch so nah : Das Europabild in Georgien : Eine Ideengeschichte. OSTEUROPA, 65(7-10), 515-529. UT-WOS link
- Brisku A. (2016). Renegotiating the empire, forging the nation-state: the Georgian case through the political economic thought of Niko Nikoladze and Noe Zhordania, c. 1870-1920. Nationalities Papers, 44(2), 299-318. UT-WOS link
- Brisku A. (2017). Renegotiating the empire, forging the nation(- state): the Bohemian/Czechoslovakian case through the political-economic thought of Thomas G. Masaryk and Karel Kramář, c. 1890-1920s. Nationalities Papers, 45(4), 632-650. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Brisku A. (2014). Shaping Bridges : Perceptions of Western Engagement in the South Caucasus. South Caucasus at a crossroad : thorny realities and great expectations (pp. 46-55).
- Russian influnces in Georgia and Serbia
- Turkish influences in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Azerbaijan
- Political relations between Albania and Kosovo
2020-2022 Lise Meitner Grant, Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
2014-2015 A Twenty Months-long Postdoctoral Grant at Charles University in Prague
2009-2012 Three-Year Postdoctoral Grant, (ERC-funded) at University of Helsinki
2008-2009 Fourth-Year Grant for Doctoral Studies, European University Institute (EUI)
Geographic Areas: Caucasus (Georgia), Balkans (Albania, Kosovo), Central Europe (Czech(Slovak) history) Central Eurasia Zaměření.
Interests: Intellectual & Comparative History, Empire, European Identity & Transnational History of Contemporary Europe, Reform, Political (National) Economy, Ethno-political Conflicts, Modern Albanian, Georgian History, History of Modern Caucasus, Nineteenth-century Ottoman, Russian History, Czechoslovak history.
Caucasus (Georgia), Balkans (Albania, Kosovo), Central Europe (Czech(Slovak) history) Central Eurasia Zaměření.
Interests: Intellectual & Comparative History, Empire, European Identity & Transnational History of Contemporary Europe, Reform, Political (National) Economy, Ethno-political Conflicts, Modern Albanian, Georgian History, History of Modern Caucasus, Nineteenth-century Ottoman, Russian History, Czechoslovak history.