Student Ombudsperson

Student Ombudsperson

The Student Ombudsperson is a defender of the rights of the university students of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University (hereinafter, “FSV UK”). An Ombudsman’s function is to ensure the quick and effective resolution of a broad range of problems experienced by students and contribute to the creation of a collegial atmosphere within the Faculty.

A Student Ombudsperson takes action in cases of unethical or unprofessional behavior toward students of the faculty by employees of the FSV UK, and of discrimination, abuse, or any other form of inappropriate behavior. As part of a student’s studies and activities within the academic community, the student or employee of the Faculty has the right to appeal to the Ombudsperson. An Ombudsperson is not an expert in solving disputes and problems by virtue of his or her position, but becomes one in instances where he or she is involved with other faculty bodies in efforts to resolve broadly defined problems.

An Ombudsperson functions as a mediator, negotiator, advisor, and initiator. The office of the Ombudsperson is a supportive position that complements the existing structure of the FSV UK. A Student Ombudsperson will be supported by the Academic Senate of the FSV UK (hereinafter, “AS FSV UK”) and if necessary, other bodies of the Faculty, for support.

All students and employees of the faculty have the right to invoke their rights in the context of their studies and activities within the academic community.  

Each institute has its own elected ombudsperson (more information here on the FSV UK website). Students do not have to contact only the ombudsperson of their institute with their complaints.

More information about the functioning of ombudsmen and their election can be found here.


Ombudsperson for IMS FSV UK

Natálie Božiková


Period AR 2024/2025