doc. Maria Alina Asavei, D.Phil.
doc. Maria Alina Asavei, D.Phil.
- Department of Russian and East European Studies
Telephone: +420 267 224 266
Rooms: No. C320, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: E-9713-2018
Scopus Author ID: 56708785700
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4252-8044
Rok vydání
- Asavei M. (2018). Aesthetics, Disinterestedness, and Effectiveness in Political Art. Lexington Books.
- Asavei M. (2020). Art, Religion and Resistance in (Post-)Communist Romania : Nostalgia for Paradise Lost. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Bittnerová D., Moravcová M., Božić Bogović D., Ljuljanović D., Marholeva K., Jakoubková Budilová L., Asavei M., Popović A., Mitričević F., Hvenekilde Seim Ø., Zheltova E., Poliaková S., Halilovich H., Efendić N., Jirka L., Staneva B., Černý M., Horáková J., Slavková M., Šístek F., & Eliseeva E. (2019). Etnické komunity. Neviditelní, přehlížení a zapomenutí. FHS UK.
Chapters in monographs
- Asavei M. (2014). Collectivism. Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Vol. 2 (pp. 89-94).
- Asavei M. (2016). Art and "Madness": Weapons of the Marginal during Socialism in Eastern Europe. Dropping out of Socialism (pp. 63-83).
- Asavei M. (2021). The Artistic Memory of the Holocaust as a New Direction in Commemorative Practices in Central and South-East Europe. Résurgences conflictuelles : le travail de mémoire entre arts et histoire (pp. 329-347).
- Asavei M. (2021). Cultural Memory and Political Resistance through Religious / Spiritual Art in (Post) Communist Romania. Religious Narratives in Contemporary Culture : Between Cultural Memory and Transmediality (pp. 73-94).
- Asavei M. (2019). The Presence of Absence: Cultural Memory of the Jewish Sites that No Longer Exist in the Balkans. Etnické komunity. Neviditelní, přehlížení, zapomenutí (pp. 109-126).
- Asavei M., Filipová L., & Šír J. (2023). Editorial. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia, 23(2), 7-8.
- Asavei M. (2024). Flawed Sainthood in Popular Culture: Maradona's Culture of Commemoration in Naples. Religions, 15(8), UT-WOS link
- Asavei M., Filipová L., & Šír J. (2023). Editorial. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia, 23(1), 7-8.
- Asavei M. (2015). Beauty and Critical Art: Is Beauty at Odds with Critical-Political Engagement?. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 7(16 June 2015), 1-15. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2017). Laughing for the State : The Amateur Rural Comedy Brigades in the Vaslui County of Communist Romania in the 1970s and 1980s. Studia Politica, 17(3), 337-356.
- Asavei M. (2015). Visual Chronicles from the Balkans and Central Europe: Samplers Remembered. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, 2015(9), 3-19.
- Asavei M. (2016). Nicolae Ceausescu: between Vernacular Memory and Nostalgia. Twentieth Century Communism : A Journal of International History, Neuveden(11), 27-42.
- Asavei M. (2015). Participatory Cultures of Remembrance : The Artistic Memory of the Communist Past in Romania and Bulgaria. History of Communism in Europe, 6(2015), 209-230.
- Asavei M., & Králová K. (2023). Beyond the National Museum Paradigm: Troubled Past Vernacular Representations in Central and Southeastern Europe. Nationalities Papers, 51(3), 512-517. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M., & Kocián J. (2022). Include me out : theatre as sites of resistance to right-wing populism in Estonia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 42(4), 196-212. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M., & Bushnell A. (2023). Feminist spirituality and Roma artistic activism: the Afterlife of the uncanonised Saint Sara Kali. Identities, 30(4), 490-507. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2021). On Tradition and Cultural Memory in Contemporary Art: Theoretical Considerations. Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture [online], 5(1), 126-139.
- Asavei M. (2023). Engraving Portraits in the Skin: Vernacular Commemorative Tattoos for Ceausescu, Tito and Stalin. Nationalities Papers, 51(3), 563-582. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2022). Radical right populist entrepreneurs and the use of religious representations through popular culture: George Becali as the 'Saviour of Romania'. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(1), 43-60. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2020). "Call the witness": Romani Holocaust related art in Austria and Marika Schmiedt's will to memory. Memory Studies, 13(1), 107-123. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2022). Artistic Memory and Roma women's History through an Intersectional Lens : The Giuvlipen Theatre. European Journal of Women's Studies, 29(1), 8-22. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2019). The Politics of Textiles in the Romanian Contemporary Art Scene. Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 17(3), 246-258. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2019). The art and politics of imagination: remembering mass violence against women. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP), 22(5), 618-636. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2018). Beyond Blood and Honey: Re-Imagining the Balkans through Travelling Exhibitions. Etudes Balkaniques, 54(4), 706-725.
- Asavei M. (2019). Modern Dictatorships and their Artworlds. Cultural Politics, 15(2), 259-261.
- Asavei M. (2021). Indexical Realism during Socialism: Documenting and Remembering the 'Everyday Realities' of Late Socialist Romania through Photographs. Photography & Culture, 14(1), 5-21. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M. (2017). Art and Religious Revitalization Movements in (Post)Communist Romania: The Zidarus' 'Case'. Politics Religion and Ideology, 18(2), 157-174. UT-WOS link
- Asavei M., & Kocián J. (2017). Gendered Histories/Memories of Labour in (Post-) Communist Romania and Former Czechoslovakia Illuminated through Artistic Production. Analize – Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies [online], 8(22), 9-37.
- Kocián J., & Asavei M. (2020). Společenská paměť v obraze. Vizuální podoba rumunského komunismu po třiceti letech. Paměť a dějiny, 14(4), 63-71.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
politics of memory, cultural history, women's history, gendered memories, art and politics, religious studies, art of religious inspiration, religious communities, religious revitalization movements, political culture, cultures of populism, communist nostalgia, contemporary art