doc. Maria Alina Asavei, D.Phil.
doc. Maria Alina Asavei, D.Phil.

- Katedra ruských a východoevropských studií
Telefon: +420 267 224 266
Místnost: č. C320, Jinonice, budova C
ResearcherID: E-9713-2018
Scopus Author ID: 56708785700
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4252-8044
Rok vydání
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Aesthetics, Disinterestedness, and Effectiveness in Political Art. 1st ed vyd. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018. 175 s. ISBN 978-1-4985-6679-7.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Art, Religion and Resistance in (Post-)Communist Romania : Nostalgia for Paradise Lost. 1st ed vyd. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2020. 309 s. ISBN 978-3-030-56254-0.
- BITTNEROVÁ, Dana - MORAVCOVÁ, Mirjam - BOŽIĆ BOGOVIĆ, Doubravka - LJULJANOVIĆ, Denis - MARHOLEVA, Krasimira - JAKOUBKOVÁ BUDILOVÁ, Lenka - ASAVEI, Maria Alina - POPOVIĆ, Andrija - MITRIČEVIĆ, Filip - HVENEKILDE SEIM, Øyvind - ZHELTOVA, Ekaterina - POLIAKOVÁ, Sylvia - HALILOVICH, Hariz - EFENDIĆ, Nirha - JIRKA, Luděk - STANEVA, Borjana - ČERNÝ, Marcel - HORÁKOVÁ, Jarmila - SLAVKOVÁ, Markéta - ŠÍSTEK, František - ELISEEVA, Elizaveta. Etnické komunity. Neviditelní, přehlížení a zapomenutí. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: FHS UK, 2019. 449 s. ISBN 978-80-7571-030-7.
Kapitoly v monografiích
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Cultural Memory and Political Resistance through Religious / Spiritual Art in (Post) Communist Romania. In: DRAGA-ALEXANDRU, Maria Sabina - MANEA, Dragos. Religious Narratives in Contemporary Culture : Between Cultural Memory and Transmediality. 1st ed vyd. Leiden: Brill, 2021, s. 73-94. ISBN 978-90-04-45374-6.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. The Artistic Memory of the Holocaust as a New Direction in Commemorative Practices in Central and South-East Europe. In: BOUCHET, Renaud - LECOSSOIS, Hélène - LETORT, Delphine - TISON, Stéphane. Résurgences conflictuelles : le travail de mémoire entre arts et histoire. 1st ed vyd. Rennes: Presses Universitaire de Rennes, 2021, s. 329-347. ISBN 978-2-7535-7974-3.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. The Presence of Absence: Cultural Memory of the Jewish Sites that No Longer Exist in the Balkans. In: BITTNEROVÁ, Dana - MORAVCOVÁ, Mirjam. Etnické komunity. Neviditelní, přehlížení, zapomenutí. 1st ed vyd. Praha: FHS UK, 2019, s. 109-126. ISBN 978-80-7571-030-7.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Collectivism. In: KELLY, Michael. Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Vol. 2. 2nd ed vyd. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014, s. 89-94. ISBN 978-0-19-974710-8.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Art and "Madness": Weapons of the Marginal during Socialism in Eastern Europe. In: FÜRST, Juliane - MCLELLAN, Josie. Dropping out of Socialism. 1st ed vyd. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016, s. 63-83. ISBN 978-1-4985-2514-5.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. "Call the witness": Romani Holocaust related art in Austria and Marika Schmiedt's will to memory. Memory Studies. 2020, 13(1), 107-123. ISSN 1750-6980. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Laughing for the State : The Amateur Rural Comedy Brigades in the Vaslui County of Communist Romania in the 1970s and 1980s. Studia Politica. 2017, 17(3), 337-356. ISSN 1582-4551.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. On Tradition and Cultural Memory in Contemporary Art: Theoretical Considerations. Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture [online]. 2021, 5(1), 126-139. ISSN 2544-302X.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Engraving Portraits in the Skin: Vernacular Commemorative Tattoos for Ceausescu, Tito and Stalin. Nationalities Papers. 2023, 51(3), 563-582. ISSN 0090-5992. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina - BUSHNELL, Alexis Marin. Feminist spirituality and Roma artistic activism: the Afterlife of the uncanonised Saint Sara Kali. Identities. 2023, 30(4), 490-507. ISSN 1070-289X. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Radical right populist entrepreneurs and the use of religious representations through popular culture: George Becali as the 'Saviour of Romania'. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 2022, 25(1), 43-60. ISSN 1367-5494. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. The Politics of Textiles in the Romanian Contemporary Art Scene. Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture. 2019, 17(3), 246-258. ISSN 1475-9756. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Artistic Memory and Roma women's History through an Intersectional Lens : The Giuvlipen Theatre. European Journal of Women's Studies. 2022, 29(1), 8-22. ISSN 1350-5068. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina - KOCIÁN, Jiří. Include me out : theatre as sites of resistance to right-wing populism in Estonia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Studies in Theatre and Performance. 2022, 42(4), 196-212. ISSN 1468-2761. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. The art and politics of imagination: remembering mass violence against women. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP). 2019, 22(5), 618-636. ISSN 1369-8230. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Beyond Blood and Honey: Re-Imagining the Balkans through Travelling Exhibitions. Etudes Balkaniques. 2018, 54(4), 706-725. ISSN 2534-8574.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Modern Dictatorships and their Artworlds. Cultural Politics. 2019, 15(2), 259-261. ISSN 1743-2197.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Indexical Realism during Socialism: Documenting and Remembering the 'Everyday Realities' of Late Socialist Romania through Photographs. Photography & Culture. 2021, 14(1), 5-21. ISSN 1751-4517. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Visual Chronicles from the Balkans and Central Europe: Samplers Remembered. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics. 2015, 2015(9), 3-19. ISSN 1736-6518.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Nicolae Ceausescu: between Vernacular Memory and Nostalgia. Twentieth Century Communism : A Journal of International History. 2016, Neuveden(11), 27-42. ISSN 1758-6437.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Participatory Cultures of Remembrance : The Artistic Memory of the Communist Past in Romania and Bulgaria. History of Communism in Europe. 2015, 6(2015), 209-230. ISSN 2069-3192.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Beauty and Critical Art: Is Beauty at Odds with Critical-Political Engagement?. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture. 2015, 7(16 June 2015), 1-15. ISSN 2000-4214. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Art and Religious Revitalization Movements in (Post)Communist Romania: The Zidarus' 'Case'. Politics Religion and Ideology. 2017, 18(2), 157-174. ISSN 2156-7689. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina - KOCIÁN, Jiří. Gendered Histories/Memories of Labour in (Post-) Communist Romania and Former Czechoslovakia Illuminated through Artistic Production. Analize – Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies [online]. 2017, 8(22), 9-37. ISSN 2344-2352.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina - KRÁLOVÁ, Kateřina. Beyond the National Museum Paradigm: Troubled Past Vernacular Representations in Central and Southeastern Europe. Nationalities Papers. 2023, 51(3), 512-517. ISSN 0090-5992. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Self-Imagining: Self-Portraits as Resistance to Ethno-Nationalism and Right-Wing Populism in East-Central Europe. Third Text. 2024, 38(3), ISSN 0952-8822. UT-WOS link
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina - FILIPOVÁ, Lucie - ŠÍR, Jan. Editorial. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia. 2023, 23(2), 7-8. ISSN 1213-4449.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina - FILIPOVÁ, Lucie - ŠÍR, Jan. Editorial. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia Territorialia. 2023, 23(1), 7-8. ISSN 1213-4449.
- ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Flawed Sainthood in Popular Culture: Maradona's Culture of Commemoration in Naples. Religions. 2024, 15(8), ISSN 2077-1444. UT-WOS link
- KOCIÁN, Jiří - ASAVEI, Maria Alina. Společenská paměť v obraze. Vizuální podoba rumunského komunismu po třiceti letech. Paměť a dějiny. 2020, 14(4), 63-71. ISSN 1802-8241.
Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících
Geographical area: Balkans, Central Europe. Focus: Balkans, political art, collective memory, cultural and social history, aesthetics, identities. Holocaust, post-Holocaust, political critical theory, gender history, political theology, ideology, Roma.