Výzkumný seminář IMS
Výzkumný seminář IMS
Výzkumný seminář teritoriálních studií je platformou pro vnitřní debatu o probíhajícím a plánovaném výzkumu na Institutu mezinárodních studií. Vystupujícími jsou pracovníci IMS i hosté z českých a zahraničních výzkumných institucí. Seminář je určen všem zaměstnancům a doktorandům IMS.
Program na zimní semestr 2024/2025 naleznete níže na této stránce. Semináře se konají prezenčně v zasedací místnosti (č. C423) v budově C kampusu Jinonice (U Kříže 8, Praha 5) a zároveň také online přes Zoom, v čase 11:00 - 12:00, pokud není u data uvedeno jinak.
Seminář byl v letech 2019-2022 organizovaný s podporou Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and Debating EU Small States' Security.
Plánované přednášky
Datum | Přednášející | Téma |
24.2.2025 11:00 | Hnna-Leena Määttä (University of Oulu) | Cultural Memory of World War II and Forced Migration in Northern Lapland: The Role of Fiction |
7.4.2025 11:00 | Michele Benazzo (Geneva Graduate Institute) | Help Bosnia Now!: British War Volunteers between Solidarity and Jihad |
28.4.2025 11:00 | Wojciech Gagatek (University of Warsaw) | One or many comparative methods in the social sciences? |
Uplynulé přednášky
Datum | Přednášející | Téma |
2.12.2024, 11:00 | John Paul Newmann (Maynooth University), Ljubinka Škodrić | Yugoslav Fascism's Failed Ignition: Stanislav Krakov and the Yugoslav Iron Guard |
25.11.2024,11:00 | Javier Arregui (Pompeu Fabra University) | Some Money, Different Impact? The Conditions of Effectiveness of European Structural and Investment Funds on EU Support in Spain (1990-2018) |
18.11.2024, 11:00 | Alain Blum (EHESS) | Presentation and discussion of the book Déportés pour l'éternité. Survivre à l'exil stalinien (1939-1991) [ Deported for Eternity: Surviving Stalinist Exile] |
11.11.2024, 11:00 | Eliška Tomalová | The Member States' public face and the Council of the EU Presidency |
14.10.2024, 11:00 | Pauli Bauer | Imperial Landscape in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Central Europe. A Study Into the vision of Nature in Sciences and Visual Arts |
29.4.2024, 11:00 | Oksana Vynnyk (Irish Research Council) | Healing War Wounds and Building the State: Disabled Veteran in the Interwar Polish Cities |
15.4.2024, 11:00 | Jun Fujisawa (Kobe University) | The End of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance |
18.3.2024, 9:00 | GAČR seminář | Debata nad návrhy projektů |
19.12.2023, 11:00 (místnost B 329) | Veronika Homolová | Territorial Autonomy in the Early 20th Century: Bridging Nationalism and Peace |
Ladislav Beneš | Zahraniční vztahy a hospodářská pomoc pro Českobratrskou církev evangelickou v 70. a 80. letech 20. století | |
11.12.2023, 11:00 | Lamiya Panahova | Seeking Greatness in the Past: Domestic Narratives of a Great Nation in Contemporary Azerbaijan |
4.12.2023, 11:00 | Jiří Pondělíček | For the Bomb, Against the Bomb: Analysis of the Letters to Truman regarding the Use of Atomic Bomb in Korea |
27.11.2023, 11:00 | Olga Oleinikova (University of Technology Sydney) | The ghosts of “internal colonisation”: Anthropogenic impacts of Russian imperial ambitions in Ukraine |
23.10.2023, 11:00 | Paolo Pizzolo (CISAD, Jagiellonian University) | Does Size Really Matter? Small Powers’ Behaviour in the Indo-Pacific: The Cases of Cambodia, Singapore, and New Zealand |
9.10.2023, 11:00 | Jitka Králová (UCL) | 'Between Debt and Democracy’ Indebtedness and Resistance in the Deindustrializing region of the Czech Republic |
22.5.2023, 11:00 | Thomas Chopard (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations) | Jewish migrations and the Soviet border regime around World War II |
15.5.2023, 11:00 | Tess Megginson (UNC Chapel Hill) | The Czechoslovak Geographical Imagination on Maps during WWI |
27.4.2023, 11:00 | Dennie Oude Nijhuis (Leiden University) | Long-term Strategic Thinking, Cost Considerations, and the Partisan Politics of Ghent |
11.4.2023, 14:00 | Ebru Turhan (Turkish-German University) | Transnational Drivers of Domestic Politicization: A Post-Functionalist Analysis of German-Turkish Relations |
27.3.2023, 11:00 | Nuripa Mukanova | Interdisciplinary and multilevel perspectives of corruption |
20.3.2023, 9:30 | Seminář k plánovaným GAČRům | |
6.3.2023, 11:00 | Valentýna Drtinová a Dagmar Hanzlíková (Ústřední knihovna Univerzity Karlovy) | Open Science na Univerzitě Karlově - co je publikování open access a jak na to? |
27.2.2023, 9:00 - 12:30 | JUDr. Mgr. Michal Urban, Ph.D. | Jak dále zlepšit své pedagogické dovednosti (kurz pro pokročilé učitele) informace o kurzu zde |
20.2.2023, 11:00 | Roman Kolodii | Soft(ware) Underbelly: Unpacking Russia’s Cyber-Incident Response through Securitization Theory of Cyberattack Attribution |
28.11.2022, 11:00 | Rosamund Johnston (University of Vienna) | Arms Dealing in Normalization-era Czechoslovakia in Three Biographies |
2.11.2022, 15:00 (pouze online) | Zora Piskačová (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) | A “Common Enterprise”? The Role of Utility Infrastructures in the Divided City of Teschen, 1920-1938 |
17.10.2022, 11:00 | Ioannis Stylianidis (University of Heidelberg) | The representation of the Jews in the Greek media: focusing on the vandalism of the Jewish cultural heritage |
3.10.2022, 11:00 | Aniruddha Kar (University of Heidelberg) | Indian Memory Project: Postmemories by Post-Generations |
16.5.2022, 11:00 | Oszkar Roginer | Traces of memory and identity politics in literature of Hungarians from Yugoslavia |
9.5.2022, 11:00 | Patrick Kupper (University of Innsbruck) | On writing a European History of Environmental Protection |
2.5.2022, 11:00 | Paolo Graziano (University of Padua) | Neopopulism. Towards a Theoretical Research Framework |
26.4.2022, 13:00 | Irena Kalhousová (FSV UK), Michal Onderčo (Erasmus University Rotterdam) | Dissident past and divergent present: How dissident culture influences diplomacy with Israel |
11.4.2022, 11:00 | Alena Drieschová (University of Cambridge) | Liberal Governance and its Contestation in the European Union |
4.4.2022, 11:00 | Adam Hudek (Slovak Academy of Sciences) | The afterlife of the Slovak national communism in the 1990s |
28.3.2022, 11:00 | Lamiya Panahova | Internal perceptions of the European Union’s role in the peace process of the Karabakh conflict in Azerbaijan |
28.2.2022, 11:00 | Barbora Menclová | Global socialist development in practice: Czechoslovak experts in independent Angola |
21.2.2022, 11:00 | Erik Davtyan (Yerevan State University) | To escalate or not to escalate? Lessons of the past, foreign policy learning and the 2020 war in Nagorno Karabakh |
13.12.2021, 11:00 | Ondřej Klípa | How Polish Comrades Modernized Husák’s Czechoslovakia |
6.12.2021, 11:00 | Johana Kłusek | The role of Anglophilia in the process of Czechoslovak turning to the East: Conciliation of conservatism with socialism |
22.11.2021, 11:00 | Jakub Šindelář | Remembering the Great War in a more European way? WW1 in the video game Valiant Hearts |
8.11.2021, 10:00 | Marcin Kosman (University of Warsaw) | Past Dangers as Current Threats. The Discourse of Confederation Liberty and Independence in Poland |
18.10.2021, 11:00 | Anna Lukešová | Multi-level governance of immigrant integration policies: the case of Austria and Czechia |
4.10.2021, 11:30 | Tomáš Weiss | Institutional inertia and change: Explaining the Czech and Portuguese engagement in PESCO and EDF |
4.5.2021, 11:30 | Václav Šmidrkal | Resistance Fighters, Volunteers, and the Rest. Czech Legal Ordering of War Heroism in the 20th Century |
19.4.2021, 11:00 | Jaromír Mrňka (IPS FSV UK) | Experience and Trauma of Sexual Violence and Rape in the Testimonies of German Expellees from the Bohemian Lands after WWII |
12.4.2021, 11.00 | Jan Hornát a Eliška Tomalová | Status-seeking and International Organisations |
22.3.2021, 11:00 | Mikuláš Pešta (FF UK) | Cognitive dissonance of Czechoslovak Revolutionary Practice |
9.3.2021, 11:00 | Karin Hofmeisterová | Position of the Serbian Orthodox Church in memory production of post-Milošević`s Serbia |
22.2.2021, 11:00 |
Oscar Sanchez (University of Hong Kong) |
In the Shadow of Capitalism: How to Write a History of Socialism beyond Teleology and Ideological Determinism |
8.2.2021, 11:00 | Jerome Heurtaux | From one justice to another. Narratives of injustice by the executives of the former regime in Tunisia |
7.12.2020, 11:00 | Irena Kalhousová | Populist Politics of Memory and Foreign Policy as a Dyad: Polish-Israeli Relations through a Theoretical Lens |
23.11.2020, 11:00 | Klára Žaloudková | Wealth defence strategies of Bulgarian oligarchs in the 1990s |
3.11.2020, 11:00 | Patryk Gacka | Protection of collective memories against denialism |
26.10.2020, 11:00 | Eliška Černovská | Primary issues in foreign policy agenda-setting |
12.10.2020, 11:00 | Mitchell Young | Knowledge Power Europe |
6.10.2020, 11:00 | Maria Piekarska | Can forest remember? On agency, risk, and possibilities in environmental memorials |
19.5.2020, 12:30 | Jakub Eberle (ÚMV) | Germany as a dividual power |
Přesunuto kvůli COVID-19 | Paolo Graziano (University of Padova) | Comperative Neo-populism |
28.4.2020, 12:30 | Anna Lukešová (IMS) a Kateřina Koči (VŠE) | Promoting State Interests in International Organizations: Emphasis on Personnel Level in the Czech Republic |
Přesunuto kvůli COVID-19 | Stefan Gänzle (University of Agder) | Differentiated integration in Europe |
Přesunuto kvůli COVID-19 | Emil Kerenji (USHMM) | Geopolitics, Demographics, and Population Projects in Interwar Yugoslavia |
17.3.2020, 12:30 | Seminar for GAČR proposals | Presentation of projects and feedbacks from opponents |
Přesunuto kvůli nemoci | Farkhad Alimukhamedov (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse) | Ethical Commitments and Raison d’Etat in Rentier States: Asylum-seeker policies in the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Central Asian Republic during the Refugee Crisis. |
25.11.2019, 12:30 | Eliška Tomalová a Eliška Černovská | EU Water Diplomacy. |
19.11.2019, 12:30 | Andrzej Turkowski (University of Warsaw) | The 1989 Transformation and Its Influence on the Polish Space of Opinion on Russia. |
22.10.2019, 12:30 | Irena Kalhousová | In Search of Central Europe: The Visegrad Group and the Vote on the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict in the UNGA. |