Deutschsprachige Studiengänge in Mittel- und Osteuropa

Deutschsprachige Studiengänge in Mittel- und Osteuropa

Deutschsprachige Studiengänge in Ostmittel-, Südost- und Osteuropa sowie dem Kaukasus und Zentralasien, DSG in MOE/GUS is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD). The Master's Degree Programme in German and Austrian Studies (Deutsche und Österreichische Studien) is currently the only Czech project supported by the DAAD within the framework of the German-language programme.

The cooperation offers a number of benefits and opportunities for students and teachers: regular teaching by German guest lecturers in Prague (specialised block seminars focusing on German history, culture, society, economics, etc. ), a permanent German lecturer position (DAAD-Langzeitdozent) in our Department of German and Austrian Studies, or scholarships for students (semester scholarships for master students at the partner university in Düsseldorf, SurPlace scholarships for outstanding master students and PhD students).



The DSG programme is run by the Department of German and Russian Studies together with the Department of History and Culture of Eastern Europe (Geschichte und Kulturen Osteuropas) and Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.

The collaboration was initiated by prof. PhDr. Jan Křen, DrSc., a prominent Czech historian working on modern Central European history and Czech-German relations, and Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Detlef Brandes, a leading German expert on the history of Germans in Central and Eastern.


This project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service.



The cooperation has been going on since 1994. The project itself takes place between 2019 and 2021.