Decree of the Director on the operation of IMS during measures against Koronavir
Decree of the Director on the operation of IMS during measures against Koronavir
Dear colleagues, Dear students,
I contribute to the flood of emails regarding coronavirus measures and stress that anyone (employee or student) who feels sick or threatened should remain under house quarantine. In the annex, you will find a decree on operation of the Institute of International Studies. I would like to ask lecturers to try to implement the maximum amount of online teaching tools and students to be open to using various forms of digital platforms, as the school can remain closed for several weeks. If the instruction is not online, please ask educators to send students detailed information for self-learning and presentations from the lesson. Charles University is working to promote online tools at these times and I believe that after a few days of learning, we will be able to use them.
At the same time, I ask students to contact me at any time in case of confusion with the operation of classes or they can contact SIMS.
During the course of these measures, it is foreseen that teacher consultation classes will be held (excluding the restrictions specified in the decree) and individual examination may take place. FSV libraries remain operational for the time being.
Below, I send useful information about online teaching, electronic resources, and library operations.
Online learning support
The Centre for the Promotion of e-Learning UK for Teachers prepared a guide for using available services for online teaching (see more) and further listed 2 online training dates for Monday 16 March to work with the Adobe Connect environment for organizing webinars (see more).
Access to literature from home
Students (as well as other members of the academic community) have a full range of electronic information resources available outside the UK computer network, an overview of which is available on the UK Electronic Resources Portal (PEZ). To access online databases and e-magazine/e-book collections from home, you only need to know your login details to the UK Central Authentication Service.
UK library operations and borrowing period
The decision to close or reduce the operation of individual sub-libraries and UK study centers on the following days is the responsibility of the management of the faculties and components. For up-to-date information, check the libraries and faculty/component websites.
In view of the current situation, the UK Central Catalogue has extended borrowing from UK libraries in bulk until 6 April 2020 inclusive. Between March 11 and April 6, 2020, students won't be charged for not being able to return books back to the library.
If you need to fill in any information, you can contact:
Online tutorial/e-learning –
Access to e-resources –
Libraries UK –
Decree here.