Speed Dating: Work in the Field

Speed Dating: Work in the Field
University study, research, science ... But hand on heart, we still need to prepare for practical life, and our graduates are pretty good at that. Do you study humanities or social sciences? Come to speed dating with potential employers on IMS Open Day and see where the future can lead you. DOD this year not only for applicants for master's degree, but also for all who want to improve their CV through a solid internship.
Speed dating will take place in Jinonice in room J1034 and graduates are of course welcome. Maybe just a little talk in the New Year ...
Representatives from the following organizations will speak to you:
Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČR | Post Bellum |
Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky | CEELI Institute |
Ústav pro studium totatlitních režimů | Člověk v tísni |
Europeum | CzechInvest |
ESA BIC Prague | Český rozhlasu |
Prague Civil Society Center | Česko-německý fond budoucnosti |
Forum 2000 Foundation | Česko-německá obchodní a průmyslová komora |
Goethe Institut | Rakouské kulturní fórum, aj. |