State final examinations and public defence of the dissertation of J. M. Marcks

State final examinations and public defence of the dissertation of J. M. Marcks
Lamiya Panahova's state examination will take place on Thursday 19 September at 11 a.m. The title of her dissertation is Nation-Building Policies in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan. Her supervisor is Dr Adrian Brisku.
On Friday, 20 September, at 9 a.m., the state final examination will be held for Tereza Juhászová, whose doctoral thesis is entitled Coexistence of National Groups in a Slovak Small Town from 1945 to the Present, and whose advisor is Prof. Kateřina Králová, Ph.D., M.A.
At the same time, the defence of Jakob M. Marcks will take place on 20 September at 10 a.m. The supervisor is Václav Šmidrkal, Ph.D., and the topic of his dissertation is Urban Development in the Global Cold War.
We wish all three students good luck!