Syri Exceles

Syri Exceles

The National Institute for Research on Socioeconomic Impact of Diseases and Systemic Risks - SYRI for short - is a virtual scientific hub that brings together experts from Masaryk University, Charles University and institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.  Its aim is to connect scientists who would not otherwise collaborate with each other and to offer solutions and recommendations in real time. Social scientists will investigate risk situations and mitigate the problems that these emergencies, such as the covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, inflation and price increases, or climate change, bring. Recent years have clearly shown how vulnerable the current era is to risk situations. Socio-economic inequalities are widening, which is why one of SYRI's goals is to provide data so that policymakers can make good decisions based on it. Similar in-depth analysis has been lacking in the country.

National Recovery Plan



Filosofický ústav AV ČR - Aktuality



Official websites:

Research team

The project involves Charles University, Masaryk University and the Czech Academy of Sciences.

On behalf of Charles University and the Institute of International Studies, the following are participating in the project:


The project is funded by EU programmes, the National Recovery Plan and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.


Národní plán obnovy

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy


This project runs from May 2022 to December 2025.