Article in Special Issue "Transformation of Europe after Russia's Attack on Ukraine"

Article in Special Issue "Transformation of Europe after Russia's Attack on Ukraine"
A special issue of the Journal of European Integration entitled "Transformation of Europe after Russia's Attack on Ukraine", edited by Mitchell Orenstein, has just been published. Our academics - Tomáš Nigrin, Vladimír Handl and Martin Mejstřík - contributed to the issue with the article "Turnabout or continuity? The German Zeitenwende and the reaction of the V4 countries to it."
During Angela Merkel’s term as Chancellor, Germany did not play a leading role in the realm of security and defense; moreover, estrangement with the German government’s allies based on its attitude towards Putin’s Russia slowly grew. Since Russia’s war against Ukraine began, the situation has changed dramatically. This article will show the different reactions of the Visegrád 4 (V4) countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) to the Zeitenwende [turning point] in Germany, focusing on Germany ́s relationship with Russia, its energy security policy, defense, and support for Ukraine. The question is whether Germany is shaping the Zeitenwende into a 180° turnaround in policy or a 360° pirouette resulting in continuity of its former policies and further mutual loss of trust. Germany is unlikely to become a pre-eminent military leader but can make positive contributions if it implements the Zeitenwende and regains the trust of its eastern partners.
You can read the article here