Discussion "Inheriting the Bomb: The Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine"

Discussion "Inheriting the Bomb: The Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine"
'The collapse of the Soviet Union unleashed the specter of the largest wave of nuclear proliferation in history. Why did Ukraine ultimately choose the path of nuclear disarmament?' asks Mariana Budjeryn in her new book Inheriting the Bomb: The Collapse of the USSR and the Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine.
In her work, Budjeryn focuses on post-Soviet nuclear history, international non-proliferation regime, nuclear crises and arms control. Budjeryn now acts as a Senior Research Associate with the Project on Managing the Atom (MTA) at the Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center.
Come and join us for this remarkable opportunity and stimulating debate on Thursday, October 26th at 5:00 PM. The event will be held in Jinonice, in the classroom B103A and will be moderated by Michal Smetana (IMS FSV UK and Peace Research Center Prague).
More information can be found at the facebook event.
The discussion is organized by Department of North American Studies IMS FSV UK, PK Klub and Peace Research Center Prague.
We are looking forward to seeing you all.