Invitation to book launch and discussion "Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánských vztahů"

Invitation to book launch and discussion "Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánských vztahů"
The Institute of International Studies (IMS) with European Politics and Society (EPS), together with the Albanian Embassy in Prague and Vaclav Havel Library, invite you to the book launch of "Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánskych vztahů: Vzájemné sympatie a rostoucí interakce" (Karolinum, 2022) on 16. 2. 2022 at 19:00 at Vaclav Havel Library (Ostrovni 13, Prague 1).
The discussion – moderated by historian Katerina Kralova – will be held with historians from both countries: Afrim Krasniqi, Ladislav Hladký and Adrian Brisku, as well as diplomats, Albanian ambassador to Czechia, HE Ilirian Kuka and Czech Junior Deputy Minister and Director of the South and Southeast Europe Mr. Martin Košatka.
We look forward to see you there!