Lecture and Discussion with Andreas Künne: Germany and Central Europe in Challenging Times


Lecture and Discussion with Andreas Künne: Germany and Central Europe in Challenging Times

The Department of German and Austrian Studies cordially invites you to a lecture & discussion with Andreas Künne, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Czech Republic, as part of the series Debating German Politics.

The lecture takes place on April 2, 2025, 17:00-18:20 in FSV-campus Jinonice, room B103B.

Debating German Politics

Topic: Germany and Central Europe in Challenging Times

Andreas Künne joined the Foreign Service in 1993 and since then has held diplomatic positions in Copenhagen, Seoul, Brussels, and Vilnius. From 2011 to 2015 he was Ambassador and Head of Economic and Global Affairs in Pretoria, South Africa. Künne then returned to the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin as head of the Department for Strategic Issues, Security Council, and the General Assembly. In 2021, Künne was appointed Ambassador to the Czech Republic.

The discussion takes place in the framework of the course JTB251 “The Relations of Czechoslovakia/Czechia to German Speaking Countries” (Doc. Vladimír Handl, Dr. Miroslav Kunštát).

Working language: English

We look forward to seeing you!

The poster for the event is available here.