New book by Eliška Tomalová: Ambasadoři bohémy

New book by Eliška Tomalová: Ambasadoři bohémy
Congratulations to Dr. Eliška Tomalová, Head of the Department of European Studies, on the publication of the book "The Ambassadors of Bohemia" together with Jitka Pánek Jurková in the publishing house Dokořán.
All of us have encountered cultural diplomacy in our lives, even though we may not have been aware of it. Behind the many exhibitions, concerts, happenings, conferences or film screenings is the work of cultural diplomats who show their country to the public through culture. Cultural diplomacy is one of the tools of foreign policy, but it has a very special place in the repertoire of diplomatic possibilities: it adds glitz and glamour to diplomacy and does not close itself behind the walls of embassies. The authors follow the successful podcast Jazzman versus Spies and present Czech cultural diplomacy in the form of dilemmas that cultural ambassadors deal with in their work. They offer a picture of contemporary Czech cultural diplomacy and thus contribute to the debate on the role of culture in Czech foreign policy.
It is published in cooperation with the Czech Centres. More information about the book can be found here