PhD studies abroad: presentation of dissertation projects of colleagues from partner universities

PhD studies abroad: presentation of dissertation projects of colleagues from partner universities
Doctoral Studies in Modern History in the USA and Austria: Presentation and Discussion of Dissertations by Doctoral Students Visiting the Institute for International Studies
Venue: Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, U Kříže 661/8, Prague 5 - Jinonice, Room C321
On 17 April 2023, at 15:30, the Ota Konrád Doctoral Seminar will host a presentation of the dissertations of two of our visiting doctoral students:
Tess Megginson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) will talk about "New Borders and Old Networks: Mapping Czechoslovakia, 1914-1920" and Martina Schmidinger (University of Innsbruck) will present her dissertation on "The Czech-German National Discourse in Lower Austrian Transfer Areas. Language policy in the school system (1867-1926)".
The presentation will also include an introduction and discussion of the organization and progress of doctoral studies at UNC and the University of Innsbruck.
All interested persons (not only Ph.D. students) are cordially invited.
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