Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2025
We would like to remind you that the second edition of the Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference (PRAVIDCO 2025) will take place in less than a week.
Research seminar "Specialisation in EU small states' foreign policy: a new research agenda" by prof. Tomáš Weiss
The Research Centre Small (Nation-)States within/without Empires and Unions would like to invite you to the research seminar "Specialisation in EU small states' foreign policy: a new research agenda" by Prof. Tomáš Weiss. The research seminar will take place on 5 December 2024 from 15:30 to 16:30. -
Deadline - CfP: Echoes of Conflict: Health Consequences of War and Violence Across Generations
We would like to remind you of the deadline for submitting abstracts for the conference "Echoes of Conflict: Health Consequences of War and Violence Across Generations". -
Conference: The Material Life of Nature Representations in Europe: Textual sources and visual artifacts in history
We would like to cordially invite you to the conference The Material Life of Nature Representations in Europe: Textual sources and visual artifacts in history, which will take place on 18-19 November in Vienna. -
International Workshop Dislocated Landscape. Disruptions and reconfigurations in the Humanities and Social Sciences since the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Second international workshop with CEFRES non-residential fellows Prague, October 22-23, 2024. "Dislocated Landscape. Disruptions and reconfigurations in the Humanities and Social Sciences since the Russian invasion of Ukraine" workshop is part of the program of non-residential fellowships for Ukrainian researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences. -
International Conference - Wartime Occupations in Europe (20th-21st Centuries)
The "War and Society" research alliance, a research network between our Institute, EHESS/CERCEC in Paris, and the Center for Urban History in Lviv, is organizing an international conference on "Wartime Occupations in Europe (20th-21st Centuries). Socio-historical Perspectives".