IMS invites to a discussion with Portuguese participants in Prague demonstrations in December 1989.
On 10th December at 19:00 in the Hollar Building, Room 212.
On November 21st, the delegation of the Bundestag visited and presented the IPS (Internationales Parlaments-Scholarship) to our students of the Institute. This year we were visited by MP Ralph Lenkert (Die Linke Party, Federal Assembly Committee for Umwelt, Naturschutz) and Reinhild Schornack (Leiterin des Referats Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Verwaltung des Deutschen Bundestages) and Britta Piel (Freie Universität Berlin, Stellvertretende Leiterin Center for International Co-operation).
Czech and German PhD students involved in the InKoNa project met in Bamberg on 27th – 28th September 2019,
Institute of International Studies FSV UK invites you to a debate on the current developments of foreign policy in Central
Europe with the participation of: Heidi Maurer (University of Oxford), Karolina Pomorska (Leiden University), Tomáš Weiss (Charles University).
New Course US - Czechoslovak Economic and Cultural Relations in the Cold War will be
taught by Professor Catherine Albrecht (Ohio Northern University) in English.
The Department of Russian and Eastern European Studies at IMS FSV UK invites you to a discussion on Lithuania, Czech-Lithuanian relations and regional security, led by Edvilas Raudonikis, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to the Czech Republic.