Johana Kłusek: "‘Our Second Capital on the Banks of the Thames’: The Evolution of the Anglophilia of Czechoslovak Exiles..."

Johana Kłusek: "‘Our Second Capital on the Banks of the Thames’: The Evolution of the Anglophilia of Czechoslovak Exiles..."

Johana Kłusek, a Ph.D. student in Modern history, examines Anglo-Czechoslovak relations during the second world war in her new study in English historical journal "Central Europe." She reconstructs the evolution of the Czechoslovak exiles' Anglophilia through articles published in three major exile newspapers – Čechoslovák, Mladé/Nové Československo, and Nová svoboda – between October 1939 and May 1945. Johanna is working on a Ph.D. thesis about the image of Britain in Czechoslovak Media Discourses Between 1939 and 1948.

You can read the article here.