Launch of the new book "Cyber Sovereignty" by Lucie Kadlecová

Launch of the new book "Cyber Sovereignty" by Lucie Kadlecová
On 30 September at 18:30, the launch of Lucie Kadlecová's new book "Cyber Sovereignty: The Future of Governance in Cyberspace" will take place. The event will take place at the Na Boršově café (Náprstkova 272/10 Prague 1).
The book explores how governments are dealing with the challenges of maintaining sovereignty in the cyber domain. The book presents four case studies (the Netherlands, the US, Estonia and Turkey) and describes the innovative strategies of these actors to use modern technologies and legal frameworks. Information on the book and the event is available here.
You are welcome to attend the event. Registration for the event is mandatory, the registration form can be found here.