Maria Asavei Published a New Article on Nostalgia in Romanian Contemporary Textile Art


Maria Asavei Published a New Article on Nostalgia in Romanian Contemporary Textile Art

We are pleased to announce that Maria Alina Asavei has published a new scholarly article titled “The Material World of Textiles and Its Nostalgic Renderings in Romanian Contemporary Art” in the prestigious Journal of Material Culture.

The article explores the nostalgic material world of contemporary textile art in post-communist Romania. The author examines how textile artworks convey various forms of nostalgia related to historical, mythical, and personal memories. The analysis focuses on two main areas: artworks that use textiles as the primary medium and those where the "memory of cloth" is expressed through other artistic forms. Marina Asavei demonstrates that material and "immaterial" mnemonic layers are closely interconnected, jointly shaping specific forms of nostalgia.

The article is available online.

Congratulations to Maria on this significant publication, and we wish her continued success!