Moving to Jinonice campus

Moving to Jinonice campus
The move to Jinonice will take place on the weekend of 1 - 2 April 2023. In the following week, classes will be taught online. We will officially start the on site teaching in Jinonice after Easter.
Instructions in the section "Teaching" and "IMS secretariat" concern only the arrangements for IMS (not the whole faculty) during the move. Please read carefully and take into account all the dates listed:
- Classes will run unchanged in Pekařská 16 until 12:20 pm on March 31, 2023.
- On April 3-5, 2023, classes will be held online (in the best-case scenario), cancelled, or rescheduled for the end of the semester. The teachers will inform you about the form of teaching in the course by Friday, March 24, 2023.
- Please note, that there is a Dean's Day (free day) on 6 April 2023 and a public holiday on 7 April 2023.
- The Secretariat will cease its activities in Pekařská 10 on Thursday 30 March 2023 at 12 pm.
- The Secretariat will resume full operations at Jinonice in room C313 on 11 April 2023 at 9 am.
- On 4 and 5 April 2023, only matters related to the move and absolutely urgent operational matters can be dealt with.
- Telephone contacts remain unchanged for the time being.
Employee and student ID cards
- To enter the building and all rooms in Jinonice, you must have a CU card. If you don't have one, apply for it at CU Point.
- We recommend that employees check the functionality of their employee card by 11 April. You can do so directly at the Jinonice campus on 21 March from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., where one of the colleagues from the IT department will help you. Another option is to try the rear entrance from Divadelní street during the opening hours of the Hollar building, where the entrance door should open for you after placing your card on the sensor.
- External teachers will borrow their entrance card at the reception desk (as has been the case so far with the lending of keys and technical equipment for seminar rooms and lecture halls). Employees can proceed in the same way if they forget their ID, or they can contact the secretariat of their institute.
- If your entrance card does not work, please contact the Building Administration.
Entrance to the building (U Kříže 661/8, Prague 5 – Jinonice)
- Due to ongoing construction proceedings, it is not possible to use the stairs from V Zářezu street at the moment. The campus will therefore be entered from U Kříže street.
- At this moment, we are returning only to the reconstructed part of the site; the newly added building will be available later due to procedural reasons. We are looking forward to its opening and will let you know the date of it as soon as possible.
- For the time being, the Jinonice library remains in the original premises at U Kříže 611.
- Due to ongoing construction proceedings, parking is not permitted in the exterior parking lot; lecturers have the opportunity to park in the underground garages of the renovated part of the Jinonice campus. An employee card is required to enter the garages.
- The shared printers in the Jinonice campus will be connected gradually after the moving is completed.
- Some of the furniture that cannot be placed in the Jinonice Campus will be used by the faculty in other buildings of FSV UK. We first offer the rest of the furniture to Charles University (other faculties, KaM, Hybernská Campus), then we donate it to selected schools and non-profit organizations. If there is any furniture left, we are in contact with the Furniture Bank (an organization providing furniture to low-income Prague citizens), which has expressed an interest in it.
Which parts of FSV UK are moving to Jinonice?
- In this phase, three institutes (IMS, IPS, ISS) and the Language Centre are completely moving to Jinonice. For ICSJ and IES, teaching will take place in Jinonice only for selected subjects (the schedule of teaching of individual subjects can be found in SIS).
- In addition, the IT department, the office for students with special needs, psychological and career counseling will be located in Jinonice. As part of the expansion of PR services, PAC employees will be present in Jinonice on pre-determined days (e.g. press spokesperson or internal communication officer).
Pekařská buildings
- Both buildings will be closed on 1 April 2023 for employees and students. The entry will be enabled only for the removal teams.
- The rented Pekařská premises will no longer be available to FSV UK after the moving is complete.