New block-course by visiting professor Chao-Chen Lin

New block-course by visiting professor Chao-Chen Lin
Dear students, we would like to offer you a new block course by visiting professor Chao-Chen Lin (National Taiwan University). The course will take place between October 5 and 19 in five sessions.
Schedule and topics of the sessions:
1st session: 05. 10. 14:00 - 16:50
- Journalism, social media and content farm in the Mandarin-speaking society
- Fake news and political polarization of news media in Taiwan
2nd session: 10. 10. 14:00 - 16:50
- Fake news and elections in Taiwan
- Fake news and propaganda from Mainland China
3rd session: 12. 10. 14:00 - 16:50
- Mobile reporting and fake news of Hong Kong Protests in 2019
- Fake news and fact checks in the Arab Society
4th session: 17. 10. 14:00 - 15:20
- Fake news, real money: How to make money with fake news
5th session: 19. 10. 14:00 - 15:20
- Digital platforms and fake news distribution in the global world
More information about the course can be found in the attached poster and in the student system SIS