Visiting fellow dr Paolo Pizzolo

Visiting fellow dr Paolo Pizzolo
From the 2nd of October Dr Paolo Pizzolo, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, will be visiting the Small (Nation-) States research center at the Institute of International Studies of Charles University.
During his visiting fellowship, Dr Pizzolo will introduce the multifaceted aspects of small powers’ behaviour vis-à-vis Chinese rise in the Indo-Pacific, with a focus on small states’ foreign policy strategies and specific case studies, including Singapore, Cambodia, and New Zealand. Recently, a part of his research on small states in the Indo-Pacific with the case studies of Laos, Maldives, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific Island Countries has been published by the Routledge Handbook of Indo-Pacific Studies (2023).
Dr. Pizzolo will be speaking at the IMS Research Seminar on Monday 23 October. More information can be found here