Workshop: Asymmetry and Emotions

Workshop: Asymmetry and Emotions

On Tuesday, 22 March 2022, a workshop "Asymmetry and Emotions: Germany, Austria and Post-Communist Central Europe since 1989" was held in the Hollar building, organized by our institute in cooperation with the Vienna-based Research Center for the History of Transformations.

How did the citizens of the post-communist states experience a gap between their societies and the developed Western capitalist democracies after the fall of the Iron curtain? What role did play emotions in this unique process of convergence of former communist states and capitalist democracies in the broader region of Central Europe? An international workshop, „Asymmetry and Emotions. Germany, Austria and Post-Communist Central Europe since 1989,“ seeked to find and discuss answers to these questions.

The concept of the workshop was born in the "Covid era," but of course, we could not avoid the current Russian aggression against Ukraine in our discussions. The war has put a definitive end to the post-Cold War era. As an already historicized era, the post-1989 period is a legitimate subject for historical research, all the more so because its knowledge is essential for the present.

Programme of the workshop can be seen here.