Workshop "Rethinking Area Studies for the 21st Century"

Workshop "Rethinking Area Studies for the 21st Century"
On behalf of the Institute of International Studies, we are pleased to invite you to submit proposals to participate in the event "Rethinking Area Studies for the 21st Century".
The workshop will take place on May 20 - 21, 2024 in Prague. The deadline for submission is January 20, 2024.
Your submissions can be made via this form
For further information, please consult the attached call for papers or reach out to the organizers - Dr. Jan Hornát ( or prof. Tomáš Weiss (
There will be no conference fee. We expect the participants to cover their travel and accommodation expenses. Participants will have access to a special rate in University accommodation facilities subject to availability. A limited number of travel grants for early career researchers may be available. Depending on the focus of the contributions, the conveners plan to coordinate the publication of a special journal issue as a result of the workshop.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The workshop is being organized by the Institute of International Studies at Charles University as part of its 30-year anniversary celebrations. Since its founding in 1994, the Institute has been devoted to teaching and developing the discipline of Area Studies in the national and international contexts.