
  • Workshop "Role of Culture in Times of War and Post-War Reconstruction. The Case of Ukraine"

    We would like to cordially invite you to a workshop, "Role of Culture in Times of War and Post-War Reconstruction. The Case of Ukraine", funded by 4EU+ Alliance and organized by the Institute of International Studies on 21-22 September 2023.
  • Public defence of the dissertation of Johana Kłusek

    On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., the Jinonice Campus will host the defense of Johana Kłusek's dissertation "Top Hat for Everyone: The image of Britain in the newspaper discourses of Czechoslovak exile and its Third Republic afterlife".
  • Prof. Marek Wilczyński

    It is with great sadness that we have received the sad news of the death of Prof. Marek Wilczyński, co-founder of the German and Central European Studies programme organised at the University of Krakow and the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences. On behalf of the entire Institute we would like to express our sincere condolences.
  • Public defence of the dissertation of Jakub Střelec

    On Friday, 15 September 2023, the public defence of dissertation written by Jakub Střelec entitled "Homo Sapiens nebo Homo Brutalis? Psychiatrické vědění, násilí a kriminalita v poválečném Československu, západním Německu a Velké Británii (1945-1970)" will take place in Jinonice Campus.
  • CfA: 4EU+ Plurality of Memories Fellowship

    We are pleased to share a Call for Applications for the Annual Plurality of Memories: 4EU+ Fellowship at Charles University for post-docs and advanced Ph.D. students affiliated with any of the 4EU+ Alliance Universities.
  • Summer regime of IMS and the faculty

    On behalf of the Institute of International Studies, we would like to wish all of our students, faculty, alumni, and other supporters of the Institute a wonderful and peaceful summer. Below is a summary of changes in the opening hours of selected departments and libraries.