Coimbra Group Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group (SSH WG) ve spolupráci s UK a IMS srdečně zvou na mezinárodní konferenci "AI Currents and European Universities", která se bude konat 17. - 18. října 2024. Termín pro zaslání abstraktů: 22. září 2024.
Charles University has published the results of this year's round of the high-quality monograph competition. The Rise and Decline of Communist Czechoslovakia's Railway Sector (Central European University Press, 2022) written by IMS Director Tomáš Nigrin was awarded shared 9th - 10th place.
On 3 and 4 June, the annual workshop of the Centre for Digital Humanities Integration took place at IMS. The workshop was attended by colleagues from Babeș-Bolyai University, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Groningen, HES-SO Valais-Wallis and University of West Bohemia.
We would like to cordially invite you to a short film screenings and a lecture titled “History of a European idea a the origins of Economic and Monetary Union” with our honorary guest Elena Danescu. The event takes place on Monday, June 10 at 11:00 in the room B330.
A special issue of the Journal of Modern European History entitled "Mass Atrocities in Southeast Europe: History and Memory of World War II and its Aftermath" was published in May. The issue was co-edited by Kateřina Králová.
You are cordially invited to the Working with Wartime Testimonies: Practical Workshop in Digital Humanities, which will take place next Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25 May, with the support of the 4EU+ Alliance. The event is organised by the IMS Research Centres, War & Society Alliance and CEFRES.