Call for Applications: Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies

Call for Applications: Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies
Call for Applications: Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies
The interdisciplinary Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies is run jointly by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and University of Regensburg and can be studied at either university. We are accepting applications until 14 June 2019 to start the program in the winter semester 2019/20. Applicants need to demonstrate a strong interest in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, at least basic knowledge of an East European language, and an excellent first degree (usually BA). Since the language of instruction is German, students need fluent German. Preparatory German courses are available.
The MA in East European Studies gives students comprehensive knowledge of the region. In addition to expert topical and linguistic knowledge, the Elite Graduate Program teaches key transferable skills through interdisciplinary project courses, internships and exclusive soft skill courses provided by the Elite Network of Bavaria. All students also take part in a summer school held in Eastern Europe.
Students choose a major and up to two minor subjects from the following:
• History of Eastern and South Eastern Europe (offered at both universities)
• Slavonic Languages and Literatures (offered at both universities)
• General and Comparative Literature (offered at both universities)
• Political Science (offered at LMU Munich)
• European Ethnology (offered at LMU Munich)
• Jewish History and Culture (offered at LMU Munich)
• Turkish and Ottoman Studies (offered at LMU Munich)
• Law (offered at University of Regensburg)
• Economics (offered at University of Regensburg)
Students of the Elite Graduate Program profit from the close cooperation with important Bavarian institutions of East European studies, such as the Collegium Carolinum (, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (, and the East European Department of the Bavarian State Library ( Especially strong ties exist with the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies ( in Munich and Regensburg.
Applications for the Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies are accepted until 14 June 2019 through the application portal on our website The site also provides further information about application requirements, the application process and the program in general.
If you have any further questions, please contact the coordination office:
Dr Felix Jeschke
Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Historical Seminar
Department of East and South East European History
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 Munich
Telephone: +49 89 2180 5479