Guest lecture by a distinguished Ukrainian journalist Sonya Koshkina

Guest lecture by a distinguished Ukrainian journalist Sonya Koshkina
Within the course The Zelensky Phenomenon: The Rise of Audience Democracy and Performative Politics In Ukraine, taught at IMS by Dr Valeria Korablyova, Head of Ukraine In A Changing Europe Research Centre, there was a guest lecture by a distinguished Ukrainian journalist Sonya Koshkina. The guest speaker is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of a large media outlet Dr Vasylenko (the real-life name of the journalist) also teaches journalism at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and, most recently, gives guest lectures at various EU universities. Her talk on the work of Ukrainian media at times of war combined professional insights and personal testimonies while illuminating the students on the media's role in contemporary Ukraine's public politics.
The transcript of the lecture is available here