Lecture of prof. Hervé Mazurel "Psychoanalýza ohrožená historií?"

Lecture of prof. Hervé Mazurel "Psychoanalýza ohrožená historií?"
The Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in cooperation with the French Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (CEFRES) invite you to a lecture by Prof. Hervé Mazurel "History of Emotions and Experiencing", which will take place in the CEFRES library on Thursday, 21 September at 17:30.
The lecture will be given in French (Czech translation provided).
More information can be found in the Facebook event
Prof. Mazurel is based at the Université de Bourgogne and is one of the most prominent contemporary exponents of the French history of mentalities, perceptions and emotions (see, for example, Kaspar l'obscur ou L'enfant de la nuit, 2018; with A. Corbin, Histoire des sensibilités, 2022).
The public lecture will be followed by a small seminar with Prof. Mazurel on the topic of "Psychoanalysis threatened by history?" on Friday 22 September, 10-11.30 a.m., the language of discussion will be English. In the seminar we will discuss a chapter from his extensive synthesis published in 2021, L'Inconscient ou l'oubli de l'histoire. Profondeurs et métamorphoses de la vie affective (The Unconscious or the Forgetting of History. The Depths and Transformations of the World of Emotion). For more information about the seminar, please contact Dr. Ondrej Matějka (ondrej.matejka@fsv.cuni.cz).