Scientific cooperation with Ukrainian Scholars and Academic Institutions

Scientific cooperation with Ukrainian Scholars and Academic Institutions
Institute of International Studies invites Ukrainian institutions and individual scholars for cooperation on relevant topics pertinent to the research foci of the Institute.
Institute of International Studies invites Ukrainian institutions and individual scholars for cooperation on relevant topics pertinent to the research foci of the Institute, especially – but not only – related to the historical, social, and (geo)political contexts of the ongoing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The range of potential topics includes but is not limited to: post-1991 social and political transformations of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, and other states in the region – separately and in a comparative perspective; popular upheavals and the rise of civil society; information warfare, its tools and agents; energy dependence on Russia; crony capitalism and its discontents; Russia’s captive nations and the task of decolonization; labor migration and refugees from the region to the EU states; history and memory wars in Eastern Europe; post-Soviet nationalism and nation-building; Ukrainian resilience and resistance to Russian aggression.
We invite doctoral students and established scholars – as well as academic institutions in Ukraine – to devise joint research projects, grant applications, and organization of scholarly events (workshops, conferences, etc.). Should you have any ideas / interest / questions, please contact Dr. Valeria Korablyova, Assistant Professor of Ukrainian Studies:
Information in ukrainian and czech language can be found here.