This November the EU Commission recommended to the EU Council granting Georgia the candidate country status. Our Small Nation(-States) Research Centre has invited two Georgian experts to discuss this decision on 21 December at 14:15.
We are pleased to announce that our Luboš Švec, a member of the Department of Russian and East European Studies, has become a foreign member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!
Given that the move to the new library in the Jinonice Campus will take place from November 27 to December 1, 2023, you have a unique chance to borrow books for a longer period than usual. Loans borrowed after October 27, 2023 can be returned by January 3, 2024.
You are all cordially invited to attend a discussion and remarks by Elizabeth Allen, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs of the US Department of State, that will take place on Thursday, 2 November at 9:30 in room 212 (Hollar building - Smetanovo nábřeží 6).
Institut mezinárodních studií v rámci oslav 30. výročí svého založení pořádá 20. a 21. května speciální workshop "Rethinking Area Studies for the 21st Century". Do 20. ledna 2024 máte možnost zaslat svou přihlášku a návrh abstraktu vašeho příspěvku.
The Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK) has announced a call for 2024. Projects for 1-3 years can be submitted by master's and doctoral students in the standard period of study by 30 October 2023.