Presentation of the New Book by Professor Kateřina Králová in Athens
On February 6, 2025, Professor Kateřina Králová from the Institute of International Studies presented her latest book titled HOMECOMING: Holocaust Survivors and Greece, 1941-1946 in Athens. The presentation took place at the Netherlands Institute in Athens, with the participation of the Czech Ambassador Ivo Šilhavý. -
Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2025
We would like to remind you that the second edition of the Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference (PRAVIDCO 2025) will take place in less than a week.
Reflection from the block seminar "WWII: History & Memory"
In the summer semester there was a block seminar led by Prof. Kateřina Králová and Dr. Karin Roginer Hofmeister on the topic "WWII: History & Memory". -
Special issues of Journal of Modern European History
A special issue of the Journal of Modern European History entitled "Mass Atrocities in Southeast Europe: History and Memory of World War II and its Aftermath" was published in May. The issue was co-edited by Kateřina Králová. -
CfP: Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2025
Malach Center for Visual History is celebrating fifteen years since its opening, and it will commemorate this anniversary with a second edition of the Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference (PRAVIDCO 2025), that is co-organized by IMS and its research centres (C4DHI and RCMS). -
4EU+ Pluralities of Memory Keynote Series
Srdečně zveme na tři přednášky, které se uskuteční v rámci projektu 4EU+ Pluralities of Memory, které povedou přední odborníci paměťových studií - Prof. Joanna Wawrzyniak, dr. Andreas Bandak a dr. Daniel Knight. Přednášky s navazující diskuzí se uskuteční 18. a 19. dubna 2024 v Areálu Jinonice, místnost B103A.