Our PhD candidate, Andrzej Sadecki, published an article entitled "From defying to (re-)defining Europe in Viktor Orbán’s discourse about the past" in the prestigious Journal of European Studies.
You are cordially invited to a debate entitled "The 'Foreign Influence' Bill and the 7-8 March Protests in Georgia: Societal and (Geo)Political Implications", which will take place on Thursday 16th March at 17:00.
Congratulations on the publication of the new Schlüsselland Tschechien - a special issue on the Czech Republic in the new edition of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. The editorial work was also done by our Assoc. prof. Vladimír Handl.
Join us in this roundtable table with members of the EU network COST Action Slow Memory Joanna Wawrzyniak and Tea Sindbæk Andersen on wednesday - March 8 (9:30 AM CET). The session will be moderated by Katerina Králová.
The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is announcing calls for proposals for tenders in the area of Standard Projects, JUNIOR STAR, POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP, and International and Lead Agency projects. The submission deadline is 4 April.
We would like to congratulate doc. Maria Asavei and doc. Vladimír Handl. On Monday, 20 February, the habilitation procedure was discussed by Rector's board of the Charles University. The Board has agreed to the appointment of Associate Professors.