Adrian Brisku from the Department of Russian and East European Studies has published a new book "Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánských vztahů" and its Albanian version "Njëqind vjet marrëdhënie shqiptaro-çeko(sllovake)".
Tereza Juhászová, a doctoral student in our Ph.D. program, Modern History, has just published a paper entitled „Post-WWII migration flows in micro-perspective: The case of the east Slovak small town Medzev.“
On Monday, 23 May 2022, the public defence of dissertation written by Barbora Čapinská will take place. The defence of the thesis entitled "Challenging Hegemony: Coercion, Repression and Protest in Liberal Democracies" will take place in room 222, Pekařská 10.
We kindly invite applications from current doctoral candidates in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences whose research covers the broad topic of Memory Studies and deals with questions such as cultural, historical and collective European memory etc.
Czech Science Foundation has announced a new competitive round and made available an application for submission of standard projects, Junior Star projects, EXPRO projects, Postdoc individual fellowship projects, international bilateral projects and projects in the LEAD mode.
Tomáš Weiss from the Department of European Studies is the editor of the recently published book "Small states and security in Europe". He spoke about the book for Forum Magazine of Charles University.