
Science and Research at the IMS

Within the framework of the FSV research plan and in a number of other Czech and European grants, the Institute's members are developing the theory, methodology and the empirical research in all the major areas of social sciences.

The Institute publishes its own magazine, Studia Territorialia, which is a reviewed academic magazine covering Area Studies.

The students are also involved in the Institute's scientific activities as assistants or researchers, or as the main investigators in the projects of the Charles University Grant Agency (GA UK).

Research Projects

Institute publications


  • New research alliance: IMS, EHESS and Center for Urban History

    On 21 March, a new research alliance between Prague, Paris and Lviv (IMS FSV UK, EHESS, Center for Urban History) will be officially launched. The research alliance is a place for the emergence and structuring of new scientific dynamics born of the transformations linked to the Russian war against Ukraine.
  • New project at IMS funded by Rockefeller Brothers Fund

    Congratulations to Dr. Miroslav Kunštát and the team of researchers Martin Vidlák, Petr Buriánek and Pavel Seifter for successful grant application "Vaclav Havel's Foreign Policy and its Ethical Dimension" supported by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation.
  • Call for Expression of Interest: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action

    Institute of International Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic looks for outstanding researchers to host in the framework of the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action funding scheme. Deadline for application: 16 February 2024.
  • New University Research Center (UNCE) at IMS

    Congratulations to Prof. Tomáš Weiss and the team for gaining the project "Peace Research Centre Prague II." in the call for university research centres. The interdisciplinary character of the proposed project is based on close cooperation between the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.
  • New GAČR project at IMS grounds

    Congratulations to doc. Tomáš Nigrin for the new project! Doc. Nigrin has been working on a new project called Connected by Arms: Central European Armaments, 1954-1994, since January. The project compares production and distribution strategies in Austria and Czechoslovakia and maps the network of actors and the interconnected infrastructure.
  • Workshop "Rethinking Area Studies for the 21st Century"

    Institut mezinárodních studií v rámci oslav 30. výročí svého založení pořádá 20. a 21. května speciální workshop "Rethinking Area Studies for the 21st Century". Do 20. ledna 2024 máte možnost zaslat svou přihlášku a návrh abstraktu vašeho příspěvku.