New research alliance: IMS, EHESS and Center for Urban History

New research alliance: IMS, EHESS and Center for Urban History
On 21 March, a new research alliance between Prague, Paris and Lviv (IMS FSV UK, EHESS, Center for Urban History) will be officially launched.
The War and Society Research Alliance proposes to structure the encounter between historians and sociologists from different scientific traditions around the experience of war in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim is to conduct collective research on war as a process of movement - of bodies, bonds, institutions, goods, ideas, legacies and possible futures.
Collaboration between the three institutions is based on shared scientific principles:
↘ The importance of interdisciplinary, transnational and multilingual research
↘ An understanding of the war phenomenon through the prism of social actors, their experiences, practices and subjectivities
↘ A focus on the temporalities of war, and an ambition to think of war as an event unfolding over variable time spans
↘ A commitment to ambitious and ethical empirical research
The research alliance is a place for the emergence and structuring of new scientific dynamics born of the transformations linked to the Russian-Ukrainian war. In particular, it encourages the circulation of researchers, starting with students and young researchers, in order to provide a European framework for research and research training around a common scientific project.
Brochure about the Alliance can be found here