Certificate on Ukraine: Contemporary History, Politics and Society

Certificate on Ukraine: Contemporary History, Politics and Society

The world's view of Ukraine in 2022 has changed completely in the wake of Russian aggression on its territory, triggering a series of external and internal crises. In the long term, Ukraine began to change, to emancipate itself while becoming more intertwined with the Western community. These realities led the Institute of International Studies of the Faculty of International Studies of the Charles University to take advantage of its professional capacities and apply them in the form of an ad hoc establishment of a special Certificate on Ukraine: Contemporary History, Politics and Society. This certificate demonstrates that its holder is competent in the analysis of Ukraine's contemporary history and its contemporary foreign, domestic political and social developments, including a basic orientation in the language.

The ongoing Russian war of aggression and Ukrainian resistance to it require substantial revisions of the very structure of knowledge production on Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. This specific research focus breaks through the Russia-centred tradition of Eurasian studies and exposes the specificity of Ukraine’s post-1991 development, its diverging trajectory from the neighbouring states, and it also touches on broader implications of regional phenomena. It aims at preparing experts on the country through enforcing their language skills, connecting them with the high-end expertise at the IMS and on the ground.

The structure of studies is built around specific courses on Ukraine taught at IMS, Ukrainian language courses, and closer cooperation with partner institutions in Ukraine. Students are expected to have a fellowship at the research centre “Ukraine in a changing Europe”, which will strengthen their research skills and experiences, and connect them with the cutting-edge academic research on the country-related matters. Their seminar/policy paper will be jointly supervised by an IMS expert and an external expert from a Ukrainian partner institution.


The certificate implies building-up complex expertise on Ukraine at the intersection of contemporary history, sociology, and political sciences, which includes the following topics:


  • political developments in contemporary Ukraine – from competitive authoritarianism to grassroots democratization;
  • regionalism and the decentralization reform;
  • nation-building and varieties of nationalism in Ukraine;
  • accommodating inner diversity: changing language and history policies;
  • social and demographic makeup of post-1991 Ukraine;
  • migration as a major challenge for Ukraine and for host communities;
  • crony capitalism and energy dependence on Russia;
  • institutional transformations and the prospects of EU integration;
  • the rise of “audience democracy”: Zelensky’s political project;
  • wartime resistance and resilience;
  • post-war recovery and its potential pitfalls;
  • pillars of regional and global security;
  • competing versions of regional integration: Ukraine in Central Europe;
  • re-conceptualization of Eurasian Studies (decolonization from Russian Studies; conceptual limitations / exhaustion of post-Sovietism, the democratic transition paradigm, and related approaches).


Who can join: 

  • Students of  BECES (anytime during their studies)

Certificate Fulfillment Length:

  • The certificate must be completed prior to proper graduation.

Fulfillment of the certificate:

  • A total of 40 ECTS with the breakdown specified below must be completed to obtain the certificate.
    The credits can be counted towards the standard BECES curriculum.

How to apply

To apply for this certificate, please contact us at ukrainianstudies.ims@fsv.cuni.czShould you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


Mandatory courses (24 ECTS) 24
JTM282 - Ukraine after 1991 6
JTM477 - Post-Soviet Ukraine: From an „Unexpected Nation“ to the Unwarranted War 6
JTMxxx - Seminar/Policy Paper on Current Issues in Ukraine Politics, Society and Economy* 6
JTMxxx - Internship in the IMS Research Center Ukraine in Changing Europe 6
Elective courses (minimum of 16 ECTS) 16
JTM280 - Russia´s Aggression against Ukraine: Implications for European Security 6
JTM519 - The Postcolonial Condition in Eastern Europe 6
JTB337 - The Zelensky Phenomenon: the Rise of Audience Democracy and Performative Politics in Ukraine 3
JTMxxx - Language I (Ukraine – level B1) 3
JTMxxx - Language II (Ukraine – level B2) 3
JTMxxx - Internship at the Partner University in Ukraine (when possible due to security reasons) 3

*Led by academics from partner Ukrainian universities (scope: 20 pages).

Possible topics for the seminar/policy papers:

  1. Security (Dr. Sherengovsky, UCU);
  2. Migration (Dr. Sereda, UCU / Berlin);
  3. Culture (Dr. Rybchynska, UCU);
  4. Ethical grounds (Dr. Bila, UCU);
  5. Gender aspects (Dr. Martsenyuk, NaUKMA / Berlin);
  6. Social transformations (Dr. Osypchuk, NaUKMA);
  7. Political transformations (Dr. Yakovlyev, NaUKMA);
  8. Decentralization (Dr. Bidenko, Kharkiv University / Berlin).

UCU – Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine

NaUKMA – National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”