Is the destroying of Amazon rain forests a serious threat to the world climate? What are the other perspectives on the protection of Amazonia, considering the current political situation in Brazil? How do the burning rain forests affect the relations between the EU, Brazil and other South American states?
The Department of German and Austrian Studies of the IMS FSV UK offers in the DAAD program “Deutschsprachige Studiengänge” for scholarships at the Heinrich Heine Universität in Düsseldorf for 2020.
Date: Friday November 1, 2019
Venue: Baroque Refectory of the Dominican Monastery, Jilská 7a, Prague 1 - Old
KNRS invites you to the international workshop "The Environmental History of the Central European Borderlands Since the 1980s" at the Hollar Building on 20 September.
Debate on The future of the EU with the view of young politicians The Political Science Club of FSV UK and senator Václav Hampl, Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs, invite you to the debate of young candidates to the European Parliament and representatives of youth organizations of political parties who will present their visions of the future of Europe.
The 6th annual European Dialogue Conference of Václav Havel, this year on the theme of the EU between yesterday and tomorrow on 20 May 2019 in Prague, in the DOX + space.